Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I was bewildered enough when Beatle said he was getting two booster seats, and when he came back with only one, I was just completely confused.

He fastened the pink car seat in and seat belted her while she smiled gleefully.

"I thought you were getting both booster seats?" I questioned, and they both looked at me strangely. Beatle closed the back door and walked around to the driver's side again.

"I only have one seat, silly." The little girl laughed at me and Beatle started up the car.

"I don't understand," I sighed and placed my head onto my hand. Beatle laughed and coughed awkwardly as he started to drive away from the ballet school.

"She was asking which mom would have my neck."

"Which Mom? Oh."

"Do you have two moms too?" Robyn's eyes widened at me and her eyebrows perked up. She was so adorable; she was even wearing the stereotypical pink tutu.

"Um, no. I don't."

"Oh." She pursed her lips in an expression that I think was supposed to be annoyance, but I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her.

"I guess you're okay. You have the same name as the deer in Open Season." I nodded along with her logic, though I had never actually seen the movie Open Season. It wasn't like I could get myself a kid's popcorn combo and just walk in there with my 3D glasses on and see a movie. Okay, so may I could and maybe I had before, but I wouldn't now.

"Who's your favourite princess? Do you like Frozen?" I asked, turning backwards to try and have a conversation with the small child. I heard Beatle snicker as Robyn screwed up her face in distaste at me.

"I hate princesses."

"How could you hate princesses? Everyone has a favourite. Mine is Sleeping Beauty, all she does is sleep and she has three fairies that take care of everything for her." Robyn pressed her lips into a straight line and looked upwards, like she was considering it. Aurora really did have it made, I wasn't quite sure when I had seen that movie.

"Who's your favourite princess, Beatle?" I smirked at him and he looked thoughtfully around the interior of the car before clearing his throat.

"The blonde chick in Frozen."


"Yeah, her," he said with an eye roll and I turned back to look at Robyn. She was trying to blow a strand of black hair out of eyes, and it wasn't working out for her. She was getting more frustrated every time. I reached out a tucked it behind her ear, and she beamed at me.

"I guess I like Tiana," she whispered to me with her hand cupped to my ear so Beatle couldn't hear. I smiled at her, "That's a good choice."

The car stopped in front of Beatle's house, I recognized it vaguely from the time I had ended up there after getting knocked out on the bridge.

"Do you want to come in? Parents aren't home. That would be why I have her." He shoved his thumb backwards in the direction of Robyn and she giggled. I bit on my lip before nodding. I was going to be in trouble whenever I got home anyways for leaving Hayden on the side of the road, I might as well put off going home as long as possible.

I stepped out of the car and opened up the back door, helping Robyn out of her car seat. She slapped my hands away with a pout and I stood back, looking at her.

"You're not doing it right," she sang as Beatle laughed, pushing me out of the way and quickly unbuckling her. He lifted her out of the car seat and swung her around before putting her feet on the ground, causing her to emit a series of giggles.

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