Sei La Mia Luce. Sei Il Mio Cuore.

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So this is my first one shot. The italics is a memory and I put the English translation of the Italian in brackets. I used Google Translate, so I apologize in advance if it is incorrect. Right let's go.. I hope you like it :-)


 "Hey, do you want to join us for drinks, after shift?" Amelia asks Carina walking into her office.

"Amelia, you could try knocking you know?" Carina says looking up from her charts

"Why? I never do" Amelia responds "so Joe's tonight?" she asks again sitting in the chair opposite Carina

"Yeah okay. Maya has a Captain's meeting tonight" Carina says.

"Okay great. I'll let the others know that you're coming as well. I'll see you later" she says leaving Carina's office.

Carina's phone rings later interrupting her while she's reviewing her charts "Hi Bella" she looks at Maya.

"Hey baby, how's work going?" Maya asks her smiling

"I only had one delivery. I'm just reviewing some charts"

"Oh good, listen I have that meeting later so I'm not sure what time I'll be home" Maya tells her.

"Va bene (Alright). I'm going for drinks with Amelia and Teddy after work. I think Meredith and Maggie will also be there"

"Sure, let me know if you want me to fetch you or if Amelia will bring you home" Maya tells here. Maya hears the alarm "gotta go babe. I love you"

"Be safe, il mio amore"(my love)

"I will" Maya says as she ends the call. She heads to the truck and jumps in with Andy. "Sorry, I was talking to Carina" she says without any prompting from Andy.

"You know, if anyone told me you'd be like this. I would definitely laugh at them. Did you give her the necklace yet?" "Yeah, I did" Maya answers with a smile.

She thinks about the day she gave Carina the necklace. Carina had just returned from a conference, it wasn't the first time they had work commitments that took them out of State; with Maya being Captain and Carina being the Head OB/GYN. They didn't like it they were both committed to their jobs and they were the best. Maya had prepared dinner for them, they sat and ate while Carina told her about the conference and Maya telling her all about what had happened at the Station. Carina loved hearing about the funny stories about Maya's team. She loved how they protected each other. Maya cleaned up the kitchen while Carina was preparing for bed. When Maya got back to the room, Carina was sound asleep. She stood at the foot of the bed for a few minutes and just watched Carina sleep with a smile on her face. She left the room to brushed her teeth, came back and slid in next to Carina. Carina turned and laid her head in the crook of Maya's neck and her arm over Maya's waist "Ti amo, mi amore" (I love you, my love) Carina says softly and Maya smiles her heart feeling so full every time Carina says she loves her.

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu