Part II: The Fight

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Alot is happening here....
Four months ago:

It was their third unsuccessful attempt at getting pregnant and Carina was angry. Angry that her body was failing her. As an OBGYN she saw mama's everyday come to see her, because she was the best and couples wanted her to help them through their pregnancy. Maya was still seeing Diane twice a week and she has learnt how to manage her emotions, how to effectively communicate with Carina especially when she was feeling alone or when she had a gruelling shift at the Station. Now that they had an Attorney helping them, there was a sense of relief for the couple. Their Attorney had kept them informed of the progress he had made, however small and they had kept Gabri informed. She would regularly call Carina for an update on their baby-making and Maya's investigation.

Maya came home from a 24 hour shift at the Station and found her wife crying in bed. She knew that Carina wasn't pregnant.

She showered and changed into comfortable clothes. She got some water, put it next to Carina and got into bed, pulling Carina to her "Talk to me, Car" Maya whispered.

"My body is failing me, bambina. I never wanted to marry, but I wanted to marry you. Being married to you has been one of the greatest things I've done but being a mama is what I wanted since the day I first held Andrea in my arms. It is my dream then it became our dream. We've faced so much together and we've always come out stronger, but now, now I feel like I'm failing. My body is failing me and I'm failing you" she says her voiced laced with sadness and Maya knows her wife is in pain.

"I love you, Carina. I love you so much. I know this is painful. More than anything I want to take this pain away. Your hormones have been crazy. It's made you sick, it's made you miserable, you've been sad and moody and angry, but every month you've kept putting yourself through for us for our family. We are going to make it happen, my love. You are going to be a mama. You are going to make me a mommy. You're going to give me a baby that looks just like you. If you want to take a break from this then we can Carina. Every negative test is hurting you and while I will support any decision you make, I hate seeing you in pain. It hurts me to see you in this much pain"

"I can do it, we can try next month, bambina and if it doesn't work, we can take a break. Maybe we can look at other ways to have kids, but I want to try again. I want to know the feeling of carrying our baby. Your baby, Maya. I know you want a little me, I want to give that to you but I'm going to be selfish, bambina. I want our bambina to have your eyes"

"Anything you want Carina. We need to have hope that the next round will work"

Three months ago:

Walking into the IVF clinic, Maya holding Carina's hand "you're ready"

Carina looks at Maya "yes".

Almost an hour later, they're leaving the clinic feeling hopeful. They've managed to schedule every treatment on Maya's off days. She doesn't want to ask for any time off. She wants to save as many days as possible for when her baby comes. She doesn't want to miss anything. She wasn't going to be her father. She was going to love her baby because that's what a parent does. She is going to support their child, because that's what a parent does.

"You feeling okay, my love" Maya asks as she helps Carina into her car"

"A little nervous, but you're with me. We've gone through everything together. We'll be okay. I'll be okay. I know what it feels like to be loved by you and I want our child to know that. I know what it feels like to be comforted by you in my darkest moments, I know what it feels like to have your support and I know what it feels like to feel safe with you. I want our child to feel all of that. You haven't left my side and I am eternally grateful that you chose me" she pulls Maya to her and kisses her deeply.

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWhere stories live. Discover now