Part V: It's Ours. Just Ours.

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@VikshuVK this is for you

August 2024 - Station 19 (Carina and Maya are in Italy)

Everyone is sitting in the beanery having dinner. It's been a busy shift. A restaurant fire, a few Aid Car calls and they'd gotten back from a fire at an orphange. Everyone is chatting about the events of today when Andy interrupts "I went to Maya and Carina's apartment yesterday". Everyone turns their heads to look at her.

"Why would you do that" Ben asks

"I miss my friend, Warren. After Carina went on maternity leave, we just expected her to come back when she went back to work at Grey+Sloan, but she hasn't come back to help with the clinic. We've been at the same fires sometimes with Maya and she acknowledges us, atleast I think she does, but when we're working with other stations, she stays away from us. When they're first on a scene, she tells me what happened, what she needs and thanks me for the help, but then just nothing. She walks away. It's like we, like I mean nothing to her. I mean, dammit, I saw Elena once. Once. And it was an accident that I ran into them. Maya and Carina have a kid and we know absolutely nothing about her. Maya. Maya has a kid" she shouts at Ben.

"She probably had a clipboard for everything baby related before Carina even have birth" Vic jokes.

Travis laughs "baby proofed their apartment by Carina's third month she was pregnant".

"What's wrong with a clipboard? Kids are hard work" Theo says

"Carina used to tease her about organizing. She likes being prepared, so she had a clipboard and colour coded markers for everything she did. Carina calls it clipboard Bishop" Ben says.

"She probably spiralled during the birth, panicked about holding Elena for the first time and then spiralled some more. She must have every device in that kids room, every room in the apartment and probably an app as well to make sure, she's breathing" Andy shakes her head, sadness filling her voice.

Ben looks at her "I know you miss her, but you still shouldn't have gone there, Andy"

"Why do you keep saying that" Andy asks and everyone looks at him.

He sighs shaking his head "listen they aren't there"

"What" they all shout Andy and Vic standing from their seats

"Hold on, let me finish. They're in Italy. They wanted to spend Elena's first birthday in Italy. Gabriella is spoiling her. Apparently Gabriella is calling herself zia so much, hoping to get Elena to say it just to prove to Maya that she is the favourite" he chuckles but Andy gets up and walks away.

They don't say anything. They just watch Andy leave.

"How do you know so much, Warren" Vic asks

"I know because I'm a doctor. I'm observant. It's what I was trained for. I saw how Beckett was treating Maya and I brought it to all of you. You called her ruthless, Victoria. Look at what happened, she was right. About Beckett, Sullivan and Ross. We are supposed to be a family. Her family. We know her, better than Ross, better than Sullivan and for damn sure better than SFD. They used her to show all of SFD about the consequences of defying an order. Even at the expense of saving a child's life. We do all these amazing things to make our community better but we ignored the crisis in our own house. We want to better our community and it makes SFD look good, but Maya was ignored and punished. Nothing happened to Beckett, he was moved to the training academy. Sullivan requested a transfer and Ross, she is still the Chief. They play a game, Maya refuses to play because she loves this job and she wants to do it with integrity and honor. After Beckett left, I told her she could come back here, but she refused. She didn't want to come back here for her family's sake. You can say she stepped over Andy and Jack to get the Captain's spot the first time, but she was a great Captain once she found her feet. None of you can deny that. She would walk through fire for each and everyone of us anyday. Without question. What would you do for her?" he gets up to put his dishes in the dishwasher. As he makes his way out of the beanery "you've already proven what you would do for her" and walks out of the beanery.

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWhere stories live. Discover now