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Noah has parent day at his school and wants Carina to attend.

"Ciao mama" Noah says walking through the door.

"Bambino! I missed you today" Carina turns bending to pick him up "you're getting too big for me to do this"

Noah laughs "I have to grow, mama"

"Yeah, but you'll always be my little bambino" she gives him a kiss and puts him on the ground.

"Hi bella" she pulls Maya to her and kisses her. Maya allows herself to be pulled by Carina and moans into the kiss.

"I definitely missed you this morning" Carina says.

There shifts have been crazy over the last few weeks. One of them were always leaving when the other was walking in or barely spending enough time together before one of them would have to leave for work. Maya hated it. Carina hated it. Noah had complained many times that he missed when Carina would be there to read him a bedtime story in Italian or Maya not being around movie nights. The women each wanting to spend time together as a family.

"I know my love. Things have been very busy at the station, but I took weekend off and Bailey has agreed that you can have Saturday and Sunday off, but if it's an emergency, she will call you" Maya says

Carina looks at Maya with a questioning gaze "you spoke to Bailey"

"Yeah. Carina we haven't spent time together in weeks. Our shifts just haven't matched up. Noah has been upset some nights when you get home after he is asleep. I know he is upset in the morning when I'm not here. He knows we have demanding jobs and he loves what we do, but we need us time" Maya tells her.

"I'm not upset bella. You're right, we do need time for our family. I know school is a long way from being over and I've been thinking that I want to take some time off during Summer and we could go to Italy for two weeks. We didn't leave the country for our honeymoon but I want him to know where I'm from. When I had to go to Italy for that month, it was the worst time ever, bella. I was miserable. I just wanted to be with you both and he needed me. So I'm not mad, we need this. What did Bailey say when you asked her"

Maya laughs "you know, I see why Warren is afraid to go over her head. She made me walk with her while I was trying to ask. The number of interns and residents that she said no to before they even asked anything was so funny, it's like she already knew what they wanted. It's Ben's birthday soon and I think she has something planned so we're watching Pru. I think Tuck will be with his dad and Joey is at college" she kisses Carina again

"Can you call Noah. The food's ready" Carina asks

They hear footsteps "come on bud, mama made your favorite" Maya says

They're all at the table for the first time in weeks. They listen to Noah talk about school and his friends. Their son is happy to have both of his parents home. He looks up at Carina "mama, remember I told you about the project for school. The one where we have to talk about what our parents jobs are"

"Yes bambino, what about it" she asks

"It'a my turn on Friday. Can you come to my class"

She smiles looking at Maya. She could never tire of this. She never thought she would have this. She was so used to moving countries at the drop of a hat. No one to think of but herself. No responsibility of having to take care of another human being. It wasn't until she met Maya that she seriously started thinking about children. Then when she met Noah, she knew it was going to be difficult since it was the two of them for so long and she didn't want to intrude on their lives. The more time she spent with him, she saw what a great child he was. Maya never forced her to spend time with him, Maya never even asked her to look after him when she was called to major fires until she eventually offered to look after him. They had their date nights but they both made sure that they spent time with him at home or family dates as Noah liked to call it.

"Sure I will bambino"

"Thank you. It's my last class on Friday. Can I come to the hospital after school"

"No problem bambino"

"Okay class, last student for the day, Noah Deluca-Bishop" Noah's teacher says.

He gets up from his seat and looks up seeing Carina, he waves at her.

"I'm going to tell you about my mama. All of you know, I have two moms. My mom is the Captain of Station 19 and my mama is doctor, an OB/GYN" he looks at her making sure he said it correct. Carina nods at him and he continues "that means she helps other moms bring babies into the world. Mama was born in Italy and she was a doctor there first, then she came to America because my uncle was living here and she wanted to be close to him. She also started also started a project about how moms wouldn't have to feel alot of pain while they are bringing their babies in the world" he hears Carina chuckle and looks at her with a big smile "I don't know alot about the project because she uses alot of big words when she talks to aunty Amelia, who is a brain doctor. Mama has the best job and when I go visit the hospital, she takes me to see the babies. She says the most important job she has is being my mama. She is teaching me Italian, she takes care of me when I'm sick, she helps me with my homework and when we have our mama-bambino dates she takes me to the Aquarium, Science Center, the Space Needle but my favorite is the Farmer's Market. She says she's Italian so everything she buys must be fresh and she said she will teach me to make my own pasta just like her mama taught her" he finishes.

"Thank you Noah, that was wonderful. Does anyone have questions for Noah" his teacher asks as a few kids raise their hands.

"Have you seen your mama bring a baby into the world" Timothy asks

"Not yet. Mama says when I'm older then maybe she'll let me watch"

"What is a mama-bambino date" Lily asks. "Bambino is Italian for little boy, so it's our mother and son date" he answers her.

"Okay, one more question kids" the teacher says

"Can your mama teach us how to make our own pasta" Zoe asks

Carina chuckles from the back "you would have to ask Dr. DeLuca-Bishop, Zoe. She could be very busy" the teacher says. The whole class turns to looks at Carina "please, Dr. DeLuca-Bishop, can you show us"

"I will talk to your teacher and when I am not on shift, I will come in and teach you to make pasta, like an Italian" Carina says.

They hear the end of school bell and the kids pack up their stuff.

Noah comes running to her "you did such a good job bambino. I am very proud of you. I made a video, we can show mommy tonight when she gets home" she ruffles his hair

"Thanks mama" he says holding her hand as they walk out of the school.

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWhere stories live. Discover now