Epilogue: The Fight

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It's Maya day off. The sun is almost up which means she's up. She's holding her son close to her chest. She's never looked forward to her days off before she met Carina. Now every chance she gets, she chooses to spend with her wife and her son. Andrea was born a week late, but he is perfect. Now she's holding her one month old baby and she couldn't ask for a better way to start her day.

"Andrea you're perfect. My perfect little boy. I'm so lucky that you're mine. Mama says you look just like Zio when he was a baby. Maybe you'll be a doctor like zio to but it doesn't matter to me as long as you're happy. Zia Gabri is coming soon to help mama while I'm at work. She can't wait to meet you. She probably has a suitcase packed with clothes just for you. Zia Gabri is like mama, too much clothes though she'll probably only buy you things that has Italia on it. That's where mama is from. One day, when you're a little older, we'll take you to Italy, mama will show you where she was raised, she'll take us to the beach she used play at with your Zio and she'll show you the best places. We'll go to Italy as much as we can so you know where you come from"

Maya returned to active duty 2 months after her hearing. She passed her physical with flying colors. He response times were still excellent. Her time off gave her enough time to go over fire protocol and the manuals. Sometimes she would read the fire manual to Andrea so he would fall asleep. Normally, her mornings would be filled with running and coming back to Carina making breakfast for them. Now she can't bear to leave her son, even for a run "I love you so much bubba. You and mama are everything to me. I used to think it was being a firefighter, but then mama came and swept me off my feet" she chuckles thinking about her wife "we got married and mama gave me you and my whole world changed again. I'm the luckiest person in the world because mama loves me and you love me" she whispers.

"We are the luckiest people in the world. We are surrounded by your love" Carina says startling Maya.

"Mama thinks she's funny sneaking in on us" Maya tells Andrea walking to Carina and kissing her.

"Good morning, my love"

"Bourngiornio, bambina. Is he awake"

"I changed his diaper, gave him a bottle and now we're just chatting. You know making plans, Gabriella's visit, his first vacation in Italy, learning about his culture and where his mama grew up. He agrees that we need many Italian vacations and we need Italian nights at home where we only speak Italian. I think I could get him to say fire in Italian, I just need to use it often enough"

"Maya he is only one month old" Carina laughs

"Yes, but you're forgetting that he is a Deluca-Bishop. We can do anything if we put our minds to it. How are you feeling"

"I'm okay. I'm not in any pain. Let me make breakfast because you're not going to put him down"

"Your coffee is done, my love"

Maya watches her wife start on breakfast while she drinks her coffee. In moments like this, when it's just the three of them, Carina preparing breakfast and her son sleeping in her arms, she realises that she is far from a failure. She is Captain again and her Station is thriving. They've improved their response times, she's worked with Diane to provide wellness checks across all her teams at the Station. Vic and Jack have taken over Crisis One and they're now training her A shift. Ben keeps her updated on his progress with the PRT. Their plan to get it running has been submitted and they are waiting for approval. Maya focused alot of her time training the probies on her team. When she started at 99, she already reviewed the teams of all shifts. She knows some of them from her time at the academy or just meeting them at SFD events. It's always expected that a Lieutenent from any house would make Captain, but their are rare occasions when an outsider makes Captain. When she arrived at 99 with Battalion Chief Frankel, she could immediately tell that the woman was respected. She knew their names, their interests, their families and she none of them were ready to be Captain or wanted the position. She wasn't met with oppositon. They obviously already knew her story. She took the time to get to know each shift before she started implementing her changes. She needed to know their strengths, their weaknesses so she could improve the quality of her firefighters.

What she loved most was that they immediately embraced Carina. Two days after Andrea was born, they came to the hospital to see him, passing him around, brought him his own 99 stuffy along with a SFD 99 onesie. Carina burst into tears when she saw the onesie, she thanked them for welcoming them into their family, thanked them for supporting her wife and promised to cook for them once she was ready. Family is important in her culture. She grew up with cousins as her best friends. Aunts, Uncles and grandparents stepped in when parents weren't around. However unstable and unpredictable her and Carina's families were growing up, she is confident in the family they are building together. She is confident in the extended family they are now part of at Station 99.

"I love you" she tells Carina. Carina walks over putting a plate infront of her "I love you and I wouldn't change our story, I wouldn't trade our journey for anything. You've given me life, you've given me courage and you've given me strength to fight. To be better. Most importantly, you've given me your heart, your soul, your love. You've given me a perfect son. I will fight. I will fight for you Carina Lucia Deluca-Bishop. I will fight for our perfect Andrea Benjamin Deluca-Bishop and I will protect what we have. What we're building" she pulls Carina closer and kisses her, Andrea shuffles in Maya's arms. Carina looks down at their son, takes him from Maya's arms to put him in his bassinet Gabriella sent from Italy. She turns back to Maya with her arms around her neck "Ti amo, bambina. This life we have is so much better than the dream I had of the family I would create. Even after all the years we've been together, I'm still so inlove with you. You never fail to make me feel loved and cherished. You are our home. Our journey. Our story. It's bellissima. I would choose you, Maya. In this life, in this mess of a changing world and every other life, I would choose you" she kisses Maya one more time getting lost in the feeling of her wife. Until the sound of Andrea's cries interrupt them clearly not liking that his parents are not paying any attention to him. Carina laughs and picks him. They enjoy their morning together just being a family.

This was way longer than I expected, but it's finally done. I was skepital about finishing this one because I didn't know how I wanted it to go. I had trouble with the time jumps because I like detail, but this is a work of fiction, so I went with it. A big part of what made me want to finish this was the end scene of 6x06, I held onto the feeling I had when watching it, kept replaying it and just focused on what I wanted Maya's vindication to look like.
I am disappointed and hurt that Station 19 has been cancelled. I love the show and what it represents to me and what it means to millions around the world. I also love Maya and Carina's story so much. They struggled with Carina conceiving, now they have Liam and they're going to try for another child with Maya's egg's, I know it's just a show but it kinda feels rushed to me. Well, let's see how the last episodes turn out. Hopefully it will be an amazing ending and if someone else picks up the show (not sure how it works) then even better for all of us. I absolutely love reading Marina stories... Thank you for taking the time to read this 🤍🤍🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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