Fire Princess

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"Hey Chief" Ben says walking into his wife's office "ready to go"?

"Please. Let me finish this and we can go." Miranda tells him. She turns her eyes back to her laptop, closing her files and turning off her laptop for the night.

"So how was your day" Ben asks as they walk toward the exit of the hospital. He spots Carina carrying Isabelle, Amelia and Meredith.

"You know Grey used her interns to try persuading me into procedure" Miranda laughs

"So nothing out of the ordinary. Just a normal day at the office" he laughs.

When Isabelle spots him, she wiggles herself free from Carina and runs to Ben "Nonno" Isabelle shouts and Carina turns to see Miranda and Ben walking towards the exit. She knows that Maya has never introduced their four year old daughter to Lane and Vincenzo hasn't set foot back in Seattle since before Andrew died. He couldn't even be bothered to call her when he heard his son died. Carina told her father that she was pregnant but he was completely indifferent of the news. Her cousins in Italy were excited by the news, the family she created at the hospital and the family she became part of doted on her little girl. Isabelle was everything Maya never knew she needed. Her wife could be a hard ass, tough and a perfectionist, but Isabelle brought out a side of Maya that nobody expected. Carina fell more inlove with her wife every time she would see the patience and gentleness in which Maya treated their daughter.

Carina is brought out of her thoughts when she sees Ben holding Isabelle "hey my fire princess" he tickles her stomach, the sound of her laughter bringing a smile to Miranda. "Hey Chief, you're done for the day" Meredith asks "Yes and please no more repeats of today" Miranda tells her

"Hey, you wanted me to teach, that's on you" Meredith laughs. "I'm all for you teaching, but I don't need you creating more lil Greys. I'm already preparing myself for the mini Shepard that's going to take over from Amelia.

Isabelle turns to Ben "I come with mommy to 19 t'mora and then you show me the whi" she stops to think "what's it again Nonno" she asks looking at Ben

"It's called a whipple, princess" Ben laughs "and yes, I will"

"Benjamin Warren" Miranda says and Ben has the decency to look guilty. Isabelle looks with big eyes at Miranda then turns to Carina "mama, what a Benyamin Wawen". Isabelle shakes her head no at Miranda, "not Benyamin Wawen. It's 'nonno', Zia Bailey"

"Bambina, it's Benjamin Warren and that's nonno's name" she turns to Ben like looks at him in confusion then turns back to Carina "no mama, that's nonno.Unca Dean and Jack were talking while nonno was showing me how to do a whip-ple" she looks at Ben and he nods at her and she smiles back at him knowing she got it right, she turns back to Carina "they said he is a good papa and they called him papa the whole day. If he is their papa, that means he is mommy's papa and that means he is my nonno. Zio told me he is my nonno" she finishes and Carina freezes at the mention of Andrea.

Carina wipes a tear from her eye with a tiny smile on her face and takes a deep breath. everyone knows that Andrew never met Isabelle. She was born 5 years after he died. Now at 5 years old, Isabelle, loved the stories her mama tells her about Italy, their Italian family culture, but what she loved the most was when she would watch the videos her mothers would play of Andrea, the stories her mom's would tell her about her Zio. She loves the video he tells her that she is his Baby DeLuca and mommy is his favourite girlfriend that mama ever had. The first time she watched the video, it was the day of her birthday, every birthday she would start her day watching a video of Andrea. It was the same video every year since she was 3, the day Maya and Carina got married. He brags that he is the reason Mama and Mommy got married. He tells her that if he had stayed in Italy when he was a bambino, mama and mommy would never have met. He tells her that mama was the reason he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to learn to the best doctor and he chose Grey Sloan because he wanted to learn from the best doctors and her mama came to US for him and then mama met mommy, so he is a genius.

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWhere stories live. Discover now