OVA: Uchiha gone missing

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This little snippet is basically what happened once Sasuke dissapeared from the future, so hold on this might get a little sad depending on who you are.


The sun had risen in Konoha, as Sakura had gotten up bright an early. She looked over to the other side of the bed and found it empty and cold as usual.

She sighed and rubbed her temples, just once would it be nice if he at least layed in the same bed as her.

Throwing her cover off her she got up and got ready for the day, she didn't have to be in early for once so she decided to have breakfast with Sarada ... and Sasuke if he ever shows up.

However, minutes turned to half an hour and Sakura was getting worried, Sarada was never late for breakfast.

Standing up she went to her daughters room and knocked on the door.

"Sarada?.... Sarada you there?" She heard nothing, but then only just caught a muffled groan of pain.

Opening the door, Sarada was on the ground curled up in a ball.

"Sarada! Are you ok!?" She yelled, she turned her daughter onto her back, but what she saw shocked her to the core.... Sarada was disappearing.

"Oh my god" she whispered.

She reached to grab her daughters hand but it had vanished before she could, she grabbed what's left of he child and sprinted towards Naruto.

The hospital could do nothing about this, but Maybe Shikamaru could, and he was always with the Hokage.

She booted down the door but saw no Naruto in sight.

Shikamaru came in with a look of pure shock on his face once he saw Sarada.

"Shikamaru she's dissapearing!" Sakura shreaked.

He grabbed her hand and dragged her to a room where Naruto sat facing the ground.

She wasn't the only one...

Boruto and Himawari were disappearing too.

Inojin was going as well.... what the hell was happening.

"It seems to only be certain children, but the rest seem fine." Shikamaru said.

Temari was off to the side gripping onto to Shikadai with enough force to bend metal.

Lee and Choji were doing the same.

Even Orochimaru was here holding onto Mitsuki.

"M-mama... I-I'm tired..." Sarada said.

Sakura felt tears roll down her eyes, where the hell was Sasuke when you needed him.

Their daughter was disappearing right before her eyes, and where was her husband, probably off asleep in some stupid tree as usual.

If the fates didn't kill him, she would.

She shoved her face into the crook of her daughters neck and wailed, no one could do anything to stop this.

Hinata was gripping Himawari for dear life as she sobbed silently.

"Mama.... I- I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go Mama, don't make me! I'm scared! Mama!" Himawari wailed, Hinata could only grip her daughter tighter.

Himawari caught the whispered sobs of her mother.

She look at her mothers face and held a big smile with tears running down her face, a smile that Hinata always loved because it remined her of Naruto.

"Mama! Don't worry! I... I was a good girl right?" She asked the tears were still flowing.

Hinata cracked.

"Yes Hima! You were the best little g-girl a mother could ask for! You were the best!" She cried as Himawari disappeared in her arms.

A loud, broken wail echoed in the room, as Hinata clutched her arms to her chest.

Boruto and Naruto cried silently.

"Dad.... " Naruto looked at his son, tears flowing down his face as Hinata grabbed her last child for dear life.

"I'm sorry... f- *sniff* for everything, you're a g-great Hokage, and father... I- *Sniff* I love you old man" Boruto said.

That was it, Naruto burst into a loud wail that caught the room off guard.

Naruto and Hinata gripped Boruto for dear life as he too left their world.

Ino and Sai were holding on to the ink flower their son had left behind, he didn't make much noise, Inojin simply faded with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

It was enough to make both of his parents cry.

Sarada was the last one.

"M-mama... P-papa never c-cared did he?" She asked.

Sakura didn't answer, she only hugged her tighter.

"F-for what I-it's worth... you didn't need him anyway. You're an amazing Shinobi and mother.... I love you..." She was gone.

Sakura screamed and punched the ground so hard that it put a hole in it and shook the building.

Screams of pain and sadness were heard all over.

Kurenai, on the other hand nearly dropped her plate as Asuma had slowly reappeared infront of her.

"Asuma?..." she whispered.

The man looked himself over, and rushed to give her the tightest hug ever.

In the room of crying Shinobi, more people were starting to appear.


Shikamaru knew that voice, turning back, tears fell from his face. Shikaku was right there, he ran and gave the man a hug.

Ino looked up and saw her father there too, and she gave a bigger cry as she hugged him tight, afraid that he too would dissapear like Inojin.

Hinata, felt arms around her and Saw Neji giving her a hug, she returned it stuffing her face into his chest as she wailed for her two kids.

Kakashi, who had entered the room not too long ago, stood in shock and awe as Obito slowly formed next to him.

But Naruto and Sakura noticed someone was missing...


The two left, as they looked around the village, Sasuke was the only person with the Rinnegan now, so if anyone would know what's happening it would be him...

But Sasuke was nowhere in sight.


Whoo boy, a quick short chapter to explain what happened when Sasuke went back in time.

I know I said I'm on a break but this only took about 10 minutes.

Freaking hell, it's like Thanos snapped or something.

I won't lie, writing Himawari's part almost had me in tears, I was so damm close. So much so that I had to stop writing for a while.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little section.

Question! Who is your Favourite Character from Boruto?

Answer: Himawari, she is the freaking best!

I'll be back end of this month or the next, it depends on how college works with me.

Owner of the idea!

Ja ne!


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