Chapter Six

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" I know what will make you happy, tomorrow morning we're going on a date. We'll go to the science museum just like when we were kids" " That sounds like fun" I smiled slightly. " Perfect, we'll meet at the bus stop. Does that sound okay?" " It sounds great, thank you Light" " Hey there's no need to thank me, it's my job to keep that sweet smile on your face, no matter the cost" " Light, we only started dating " " And I'm going to treat you like the goddess you deserve to be treated like. Now you go off to bed, I'll see you at the bus stop at ten".

Mom thankfully didn't say anything about what had happened, Mr. Yagami most likely made sure of that. As soon as we got home I went straight to bed, today was exciting enough to put me to sleep within seconds. With all the extra studying I had been doing the last few weeks, I forgot to relax and take a breath. I was trying so hard to get my past out of my head that I forgot about my present. I cuddled up under my warm bed sheets and couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I was dating Light, my childhood friend.

I sat in my room with the death note open, thinking. " Hey Light" Ryuk called me " What is it?" " If your so close with this Meg girl, how come I didnt meet her sooner?" " Well she's struggling with something" " Like what?" " Why do you care?". " Well if she's going to be posing as your girlfriend-" " What are you talking about?" I turned around to face Ryuk " I like Meg, I have since we were kids. She is the only girl who will ever hold my heart. She is my real girlfriend, I'd never get a fake one". " Whatever you say, I'm just trying to ask a question " " And what is your question Ryuk?" " What's her story? When I first met her she stormed into your room and cried.  I thought you said she was a happy person?" " She is, she's going through something traumatic".

" That abuse thing?" " Yeah" " Well cant you just use the death note to get revenge for her?". " I already tried, but I cant get a hold of his name or face. Its like L is trying to block certain criminals from me" " I thought we were trying to keep a low profile since you have that man following you. Why bring Meg on a date?". " That's what teenagers do Ryuk, besides I said Meg is my girlfriend and if I want her to stay that way I need to treat her, especially since she's going through a rough patch. Besides I'm going to use this date to my advantage".


I woke up early and smiled, I was so excited about our date. But I'm extremely nervous as well, I've never been on a date before. I've never done anything like this before, what do I wear? What do we talk about? Crap this was going to be harder than I thought. I decided it would be best to wear a pair of jeans since its almost winter. It was early November so the winter air was creeping upon us. I wore some dark blue jeans, a warm brown jumper and a black jacket with some white shoes. I brushed my long brown hair out after putting on some light makeup and checking my phone.

I said goodbye to mom before making my way to the bus stop. I noticed Light standing at the stop waiting for me, I smiled and ran over to greet him. " Morning, I hope you weren't waiting long" " Morning Meg, and of course I wasn't. You look beautiful" I blushed at his compliment " Thank you, how long is the bus?" " Should  be here any minute, lets go buy our tickets". I walked ahead to the ticket machine, I thought I saw Light talking to himself but he smiled at me and paid. " Hey you didn't have to buy my ticket" " Of course I did, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't,  besides it's our first date I want to make it memorable ".

We got on the bus and sat near the back of the bus. Light and I chatted away before pulling up to one of the bus stops. " Close the doors and listen up! This is a bus jacking!". My eyes are as I stared at the man at the front of the bus, " If you all shut up and do as your told you'll be fine, now you call the museum and tell them what's happening!". I grabbed Lights arm in panic, " Light I'm scared " I whispered " Hey don't be scared, I'm here" he whispered back. Light handed me a piece of paper and I read it, " Dont be stupid, trying to get the gun from him is suicide. It's better if we stay quiet and work together " the man sat behind us whispered to us. " And why should we trust you? For all we know your apart of this" the man sighed before giving Light a badge.

He's apart of the FBI, what are they doing in Japan? " It seems like he's taken something, if we're going to take him down I'll do it, but it needs to be fast and I need a good distraction". Light dropped something on the floor and bent down to pick it up. " What are you doing !" The man yelled at Light " What are you three planning back here?!" If he sees what Light wrote we're dead!. " Ideas for a date, pathetic". The mans eyes suddenly winded and pointed his gun behind us. He started yelling at someone but there was nobody there, he was freaking out and raised his gun. " Everyone get down" the FBI agent yelled to us before we all ducked.

Light covered my body with his as the man started screaming at firing his gun. After firing six bullets he told the bys driver to pull over before jumping off the bus and getting hit by a car. I gasped and covered my mouth as tears fell from my eyes. Light wrapped his arm around me and pulled my head into his neck " Dont look Meg!" He yelled as I let out a cry. What the hell is happening

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