Chapter Eighteen

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L wrapped his arms around me as I tried to leave, " Ryuzaki I'm going to be late for my appointment if you dont let me go" " What if it's bad news?" " It wont be bad news" " What if you get kidnapped?". " Ryuzaki, I promise I'll be okay. I'm going straight to the doctors and back again, no detors or shortcuts. I'm taking the same road I always do, I love you " I gave him a quick kiss before glaring at Light. I shivered as the doctor poured the blue gel on my stomach, I bit my lip as I looked anxiously at the monitor. " From the looks of it, I'd say you're about four weeks pregnant, so we wont be able to see much. So I want you not to stress, your blood pressure level is a little high. So I want you to relax for a few days, okay?" " Yes sir" I smiled. I looked at the pregnancy test in my bag and smiled, I was so excited to tell Ryuzaki about it, maybe I should get him a small cake too.

I walked into a small bakery and got a small, strawberry cake. I stood on the street and looked around for a taxi when I was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a car. I dropped the cake on the street, as I was blindfolded and gagged, my arms were tied behind my back as the car sped off. I had no sense of what direction we were going in and I was scared to death. After a while of driving we suddenly stopped, I was dragged out of the car and brought into a house, I felt the temperature change as it was warmer in the house. I was brought into a basement before I felt a chair underneath me. My blindfold was ripped off of me, I blinked a few times and when my eyes finally adjusted they widned in fear as I was looking at my moms old boyfriend, Tomoro Shinsa.

" Nice to see you again Meg, and my look how you've grown", a tear ran down my cheek as he grabbed my face. " I think we're going to have a lot of fun together, dont you?". Tears were streaming down my face as he smirked at me, " Hey what's with the tears? Didnt you miss me? Oh I know, you want to play?". My eyes widened and I began to struggle against my restraints as he laughed, " Strip her down to her underwear boys. Then chain her to the wall". I let out muffled screams as his friends tore my clothes off of my body, I suddenly felt those familiar feelings as I was chained to Shinsa's wall. My wrists were tied together by chains, which was then tied to a chain that hung from the ceiling, I felt cold as the cold air brushed past my half naked body.

" Now this is an image I missed seeing, go upstairs and get everything ready. I want to have some fun with her before we begin". Once we were left alone in the room I could feel my body start to tremble, his rough fingers moved their way against my soft skin before he grabbed the waistband of my panties and pulled them down. I bit down onto my gag as he slowly ran his fingers up my leg before quickly shoving three of his fingers inside of me, roughly fingering me. I let out small cries of pain as he smirked at me, " Still just as obedient as the day you left me. Now spread your legs" I shook my head in response, making him chuckle. He pulled a knife out of his boot and put it at my neck, " I said spread your legs". I cried as I slowly spread them. I closed my eyes and rested my head against my arm as his pants hit the ground.

I jumped as his hands grasped my hips and let out a scream as he shoved me down onto his dick hard. I shouldn't have gone into that stupid bakery! Once he was finished he had a satisfied smirk of his face, he called his friends back down. I watched in confusion as they set up a camera, while Shinsa pulled my panties back on." Now that we have the introductions done, I want some information out of you. Dont bother screaming" he pulled the gag out of my mouth " What the hell do you want me to tell you?" " What is L's real name?". My eyes widened " Ah I knew you were his new bitch, now tell me his name" " No". " No? Do you not remember who you're speaking to?" " Hurt me all you want, I'm not letting you hurt him".

His raised his hand to his friends, they turned on a camera as one gave him a pair of knuckle dusters. " Last chance, what's L's real name?" " Fuck you". The light on the camera flashed red as he beat me, everytime he'd ask me about L I'd say the same thing, fuck you. After a while he stopped and took the knuckle dusters off, wiping his hand clean of my blood. I could feel the blood running down my head, I could smell the iron from it in my nose and taste it in my mouth. I looked down at my body, it was already heavily bruised. I bit my lip as I looked at my stomach, I already knew it was gone....theres no way it would have survived this.

" You want to talk now?" Tomoro asked me, " Why are you recording?" I asked in a broken voice. " This is being streamed live across Japan, to every screen in every building, including the police stations" he smirked at me. " So what is L's real name?" I spat my blood at him in response. He groaned and slapped me before cleaning his face, " Alright then, I'll ask you a different question. Is Light Yagami Kira?". I turned my head to him, I stared at him for a few seconds before responding " No". As much as I hated the man Light had become, I couldn't betray him, I still hoped he'd change back to his normal self one day, which somehow he seems to be doing now.

" No?" He asked " No, hes my best friend and if he was Kira I know he'd tell me". Tomoro didnt seem pleased, " Maybe we need to motivate you into talking" " I am talking, and my answer is no!" " What is L's real name?!". I rolled my head and sighed " You can tie me up and you can hold me down, you can ask me questions and take me to the edge, and push me off the ledge and you can do almost anything you want to do to me now. So you can tie me up and try to break me, I'd rather die then let you make me betray him. The years go on, with or without me so do your worst cause I'd rather die, then let you make me betray him". "Those are some big words, you sure you mean them?" " Definitely".


I sighed as we sat in the room again, Misa going on and on about her stupid modling job as usual. Matsuda burst in the door with dad and the others. " What the hell are you guys doing?" " You need to see this!" Dad turned the tv on and we both jumped up and stared in horror as Meg was being beaten on live tv. " What the hell is this? Is this live?" I yelled " Yes, we've checked it's being shown on every tv in the country.  We have people trying to track down where the signal is coming from".

" You want to talk now?" Tomoro asked her " Why are you recording?" Meg asked in a broken voice. " This is being streamed live across Japan, to every screen in every building, including the police stations" he smirked at her
" So what is L's real name?" She spat my blood at him in response. He groaned and slapped her before cleaning his face, " Alright then, I'll ask you a different question. Is Light Yagami Kira?". She turned my head to him, " No".

" No?" He asked " No, hes my best friend and if he was Kira I know he'd tell me". Tomoro didnt seem pleased, " Maybe we need to motivate you into talking" " I am talking, and my answer is no!" " What is L's real name?!". She rolled my head and sighed " You can tie me up and you can hold me down, you can ask me questions and take me to the edge, and push me off the ledge and you can do almost anything you want to do to me now. So you can tie me up and try to break me, I'd rather die then let you make me betray him. The years go on, with or without me so do your worst cause I'd rather die, then let you make me betray him". "Those are some big words, you sure you mean them?" "Definitely".

I stared at L in disgust before grabbing him by the shirt " This is happening to her because of you!!" " Nobody knows she's part of my team, just like nobody knows that you are here. How they got this information is a mystery but I'm just as angry about this as you are". " You dont even look fazed! The girl your supposed to love is being beaten on your tv and your not saying a damn word about it!". " Let's see if we can find something in here" Tomoro spoke up, we turned back to the tv and widened our eyes and he emptied her bag and pulled a pregnancy test out, " You're pregnant?". My eyes widened as I turned to L, this time he was showing emotion. L's eyes were wide and shocked as he stared at the tv, " I want her found!" L screamed.


I widened my eyes when he pulled my pregnancy test out and revealed it to the whole of Japan. My eyes instantly went to the camera to look at L, giving him a sorry, pleading look. " Oh...L doesnt know about this?" I glared at him in response " Looks like we're finally getting somewhere". Tomoro turned to face the camera and grinned, " So what you going to do about that L? We've got your pregnant girlfriend, we sure hope nothing like this happens" I groaned in pain as he punched my stomach hard over and over and over again, till I ended up puking.

" Aww, not feeling well honey?" He raised my head up and smiled " Its nothing personal" " He's coming for you" I whispered. Tomoro's eyes suddenly widened as he grabbed at his chest, I looked at him confused as he clung onto me, before dropping to the ground lifeless. I looked around confused as one by one, all his men dropped to the ground. The last name grabbed the camera and gave the address of where we were before dropping to the ground. I looked at the camera confused, as I waited for the police to come....but I suddenly felt my body weaken on me before I blacked out.

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