Chapter Twenty

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L was right, I was a mournful mess for weeks after the shock wore off. L had me put on bedrest and the guys were too afraid to bring me anything except for L, Light and Mr. Yagami. They were the only ones that tried to comfort me, they would hug me and let me cry on their shoulder whenever I needed it. But I think I'm finally ready to move on, Light had banned Misa from coming over till I was ready, he didn't want her upsetting or annoying me since she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. Today was the day, I got out of bed and forced myself to take a shower, washing away everything I needed to, emotional and physically. I got dressed and even dried my hair, but there was no way in hell I was gonna try putting make up on, that was way too much effort at the moment.

I slowly made my way downstairs and listened to the guys arguing before L spotted me. " Megami! You're out of bed" everyone turned to me with wide eyes. " Megami! Go back to bed" " No...I'm okay" " Are you sure?" Mr. Yagami asked as I made my way down the last few steps. " Yeah, its always going to hurt but I think I'm finally ready to move on". L smiled at me, signalling me over with his finger. I made my way over, sitting in his lap before he continued with the discussion he was having about the investigation when I heard something that sounded wrong to me. " Wait, that doesn't make sense", I was processing the information in my head before it clicked. I jumped up and searched through the files we had until I finally found the one I was looking for. I read over it quickly before running to L, " Look, this file from when you first started the investigation. You were looking for a student with access to police reports. But you suddenly stopped once the pattern changed, dont you see the student you were looking for is a college student now. That's why the pattern has changed".

Mr. Yagami sighed as he rubbed his eyes " Why didnt I see that?" " You were probably too worried about trying to stop him that you didnt think to notice. But it would make sense, colleges dont have the same schedules as a high school would" " Megami you're amazing" L smiled at me. We started searching through more files to see if we had made any other mistakes in our investigation, surely so if they missed something small like that.

" Light!" I groaned as Misa came into the room, " Light would you like to come play with me?" Misa asked with a flirtatious smirk. " No, leave me alone" Light shot at her, " Come on Light, you can help me pick out which lingerie set to wear for my next photoshoot". Misa wrapped her arms around his neck, Light suddenly jumped from his chair and pushed her away. " Light?" Misa asked softly, " I don't have time to play these stupid little games with you Misa! My best friend was attacked and tortured and going through utter hell because of Kira! You think I'd drop that to play with you? Get out of my face now Misa".

Mr. Yagami put his hand on Lights shoulder, giving him a disappointed look. I helped Misa from the floor and slowly walked her back to her room, " Misa I'm sorry about Light" I finally said as she sat on the bed and cried. " Why does he care about you so much?!" " I-I honestly don't know. I really do wish I had an answer for you, but the only thing I can say is that we're best friends. We're known each other since we were kids". " He didn't seem all that bothered when he cheated on you with me", I froze for a second, remembering all that heartbreak I felt. The betral Light did, it broke me.

" I know, but if Light hadn't of done that then I never would have fell in love with Ryuzaki. As much as he hurt me back then, it actually made me happier in the end". " Happier?" She scoffed, " You got beaten and had a miscarriage". I felt my blood boil in anger, she was driving in fucking crazy for months now. I had tried so hard to be her friend but not anymore, " I may have lost my child but I still have my dignity" " What?".

" I don't have to act dumb and bribe my boyfriend with sex to get his attention. I'm a beautiful, intelligent woman with an amazing job and a wonderful man in my life, who actually loves and appreciates me. I'm not some dumb blonde bimbo like you, so get off your high horse and fuck off" I spat at her before heading back downstairs. I stopped at the end of the stairs when I heard the boys talking, " Light I'm incredibly disappointed in you. Your mother and I didnt raise you to treat woman like this" Mr. Yagami sighed.

" She wasnt listening to me so I had to get through that stupid head of hers". " Light if you're so unhappy with Misa, why don't you leave her?" L asked. " I cant" " Why not?", Light sighed " You still love Megami" L broke the silence. " What? Dont be ridiculous" Light chuckled " I see the way you look at her, how you watch her every move. Your eyes are filled with love and lust whenever you look at her". Light went red " My only question is why? You were the one who broke things with her in order to date Misa" " And I regret it every day of my life. You think I like seeing her sitting in your lap, being touched and kissed by you."

" I want to be the one who does that to her, I want to be the one who makes her moan in the middle of the night. Me! Not you " Light snapped. I walked into the room, everyones eyes falling on me, " Meg-". I slapped Light as hard as I could across his stupid face, tears flowing down my cheeks. " Don't you dare try and act like me being with someone else is unfair on you. You broke my heart for that stupid bitch that's sitting on your bed right now. You broke me!" I screamed at him.

Light caressed my cheeks before resting his head on mine, " And I'd do anything to change that". I laughed before shoving him away from me, " I don't love you anymore Light" " What?". Light looked genuinely confused " Of course you do. You're my goddess, you're supposed to be with me". I shook my head as I started to slowly back away, Light grabbed my wrists tight, pulling me back into his chest. " We're going to get married and have kids of our own one day, just like we planned". " That plan is gone Light, I don't love you anymore. You hurt me, you broke my heart and betrayed me".

" Meg I cant do this without you" " I love L, hes the one I want to spend my life with". I tried to pull away but Light wouldnt let me go, " Light" Mr. Yagami started. " Light you've hurt me too much, you have to let me go so I can be happy" " You can be happy with me like before" I shook my head before caressing Lights cheek. " I loved you once and I always will as a friend. But L is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the one I want to marry and have kids with. Hes who I deserve to be with".

I pulled myself out of Lights grip and backed away till I was standing next to L. L wrapped his arm around my waist as Light looked at me, eyes red with tears and his heart breaking. " No! This isnt how its supposed to be!" " I'm sorry Light" L spoke up. Lights face went from heartbroken to angry and he tried to grab L, Mr. Yagami and the others grabbed Light and dragged him out of the room as I cried into L's chest. " Its okay, I'm here" he whispered as he stroked my back. No, nothing was ever going to be okay again. 

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