Chapter Sixteen

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I decided to leave college without telling Light and moved out of my house and into L's building. All my mom knows is that I got a job and I had to move out, I didn't tell her where I was going or anything. I even blocked Light's number, I wanted a clear start before starting this job. I had made it up to L, and worked extremely hard to gain his trust again over a few weeks. I had discussed different theories with him and even discussed if Light was Kira or not. My relationship with L was moving along pretty quickly, we have already begun living together and even talk about a future for us, even though we've only been together a couple of months. As Kira was throwing new obstacles in our way, L thought it would be best to bring in a new team member, though he wouldn't say who it was.

I looked down at my files as I sat around the table with the other police officers on the case. Maybe L was right, we could probably need a fresh pair of eyes to look over our work. " So Meg, got any plans this weekend?" Matsuda asked as he sat beside me. " Actually she does, we're going to be doing a private investigation" L spoke for me. " A private investigation?", " Yes" " Matsuda have you really not been paying attention for the last few months?" Mr. Yagami sighed " Huh? Paying attention to what?" " L and Meg are together" " What? Really?!" " Yeah, sorry Matsuda " " Wait, does that mean you know his real name?". " No, we both think it's best I don't know his real name until the Kira case is over" " Why? Wouldnt it be nice to know your partners name?".

" Matsuda, imagine L did tell me his name. Now imagine Kira found out I knew and tortured me till I told them" " Yeah, sorry that was a dumb question ". " So L, when are you bringing in this new team member?" Mr. Yagami asked " Oh he'll be arriving tomorrow" L turned to look at the clock, " Lets call it a day, you've all worked very hard today. Thank you " L and I went back to our room together and changed into our pyjamas, " Are you alright Meg? You seem tense" " I'm fine, what Matsuda said just has me thinking" " About what?". " Well, what if we decide one day we want to get married, or have kids? But we're still working this case?" " I promise that wont happen, and if by chance that does happen. I'll make sure that you're safe".

I cuddled into L and sighed " Its you I'm worried about " " I've fought against many types of killers Meg, this one is no different", " That's a lie and you know it". L wrapped his arms around me " As long as I'm here, I'll spend the rest of my days reassuring you. I love you Meg" " I love you too Ryuzaki".

The next morning my body was stiff and sore from activities I had done with L. I kept rubbing my shoulders and neck as I worked, " Meg are you alright?" Mr. Yagami asked " Yes sir I'm fine" " Sir, did you not hear it last night?" Matsuda asked " Hear what?" " Meg and L" my face went red " Oh, L maybe go easier on her next time " " Of course" he smirked at me. The door suddenly opened and my eyes widened when I saw Light standing in the doorway. " Ah Light, you made it" "You sure didnt make this place easy to find". " Light? What the hell are you playing at L?! Why are you bringing my son into this?" " I've had many discussions with Light about this case and his points intrigue me. Of course it's also to keep a closer eye on him".

Light rolled his eyes before they landed on me. " Meg?!" " Hi Light" " Meg, maybe it would be best if you talked to Light in the hall" L suggested and I nodded. I walked into the hall, Light following before I stopped and turned around. " L has cameras everywhere so don't mention kira" I whispered really low. " What the hell are you doing here Meg? First you drop out of college without a word, blocked my number and your mom told me you left Tokyo for a job". " I've been working here on the Kira case, I wanted a fresh start so I dropped everything and moved in here". " I just can't believe that you would cut me out of your life like that " " I'm sorry Light but I had to. You were acting like a psychotic obsessive ex".

" Are you still with L?" " Yes, we actually live together" " I cant believe this" " Believe it or not I don't care! We're all here to do one job and that's to catch Kira. So you need to let our past go and behave like a professional". Light sighed " I will, I just never thought I'd see you again", " Do you have anyone in your life?" " Yeah, Misa" he sighed and rolled his eyes. " She's super annoying and wont leave me alone, but what can I do". " Well I look forward to working with you" " As do I" we shook hands before going back inside. L decided to take Light and catch him up on all our theories and notes we had so far, but I couldn't stop this bad feeling crawling over my skin. This wasnt going to end well and I knew it.

" Hey Meg are you paying attention?" " Sorry sir!" I jumped in fright before going back to work. It took a couple of weeks to finally catch Light up on everything and by then it seemed like everything had gone to hell. L thought it would be a good idea to handcuff himself to Light for a few weeks, to make sure he wasnt Kira. The morning of the handcuffing I felt extremely sick, " Hey Meg sweetie, maybe you should stay in bed" " And let Kira get away?". " She doesn't listen to people L, you're gonna have to force her" Light spoke up from his chair beside L. " L is right Meg, you can afford to take a few days off work if your feeling poorly" Mr. Yagami tried to reason with me.

Light sighed before standing up and grabbing my shoulders, " Meg how do you think your going to catch Kira if youre sick?". " I-" " You can't, we both know that you are not in condition to work. My dad and the others can work on the case while L and I are handcuffed together. You go to bed now and sleep, that's an order". I sighed before I nodded, " Okay fine, but if anything happens-" " Then we'll come get you straight away, I promise" " Fine" I sighed before going back to bed, stupid sickness.

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