Chapter Thirteen

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I smiled at the feeling of warm arms wrapping around my waist " Good morning Megami " I smiled as I turned around and slowly opened my eyes to Ryuzaki " Good morning Ryu" " Get dressed, I have breakfast coming" " But I don't have any clothes". " At the end of the bed, I had them cleaned for you " Ryuzaki kissed my head before getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, god this feels like a dream. I picked up my phone and groaned at all the missed calls and messages I had from Light, no! I wasn't going to let Light have any part in my life anymore.

I quickly dressed and made my way out of the bedroom, " Good morning Miss, I have your breakfast ready" " Thank you but I have to run home quickly before school. Let Ryuzaki know where I am" " Of course, we hope to see you again " he bowed as I grabbed my bag and left. I had plenty of time before college started, I quickly made my way home and groaned when I saw Light banging on my door.

I pushed past him and unlocked my front door, " Meg! Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you!" " Yeah and I've been ignoring you". I walked inside and sighed when Light forced his way in and slammed the door. " Well where have you been?" I ignored him and made my way upstairs and grabbed the school books I needed for classes today.

" Answer me!" Light grabbed me and I gasped as he trapped me against the wall. He was breathing heavy as he stared down at me, " I stayed at a friend's house last night, I didn't want to be alone after yesterday". " We need to talk about that" " No we don't, I think its pretty obvious what happened ". I tried to push past Light but he pushed me back " No it isnt. Look I was approached by the officers on the Kira case, theres a second Kira going around. They were killing people without order and it got me mad, but my dad asked me to help on the case to help prove this theory. Misa is the second Kira, she thinks shes in love with me, so I'm using her in my plans. Her loyalty to me is incredible so shes useful".

Light had this horrible grin on his face, " So that's why she thinks we're dating, I need to keep her in line". " Well, now you can actually date her" " What? Didnt you just hear me?" Light asked " I did, and I don't care. I'm not going to let you use Kira as an excuse to be unfaithful to me. As long as you're "dating " Misa, we're over ". " You're not serious?" Light smirked " As a heart attack".

I pushed past Light and grabbed my book bag, " Now if you excuse me, I have classes I need to get to". " You're seriously leaving me?" " I am, and I think this is something that needs to happen Light. This way you can focus on your goal, and I can focus on becoming a detective". " Meg-" " Its Megami, and please leave my house so I can get to school", Light sighed before looking at me with a grin, " You know I wont give up on you that easily Meg" " Well I have, now please go".

I closed my eyes and sighed after Light left, this was going to be an incredibly hard break up. I made my way to college, dreading the day to come. Light was in all my classes, I could never avoid him but hopefully I can ignore him. " Meg?" I jumped as a hand waved in front of my face, " Huh? Oh hi Ryuzaki" I smiled.

" Are you alright? I've been calling your name for a while " " Sorry just lost in thought". " Light came to you this morning " " How did-", " By the look on your face, what did he say?" " Nothing important, he wanted to keep our relationship going and I said no" " And he accepted that?", " Uh, no not really. But I refuse to let him ruin my day, I want to focus on becoming a detective one day". " I actually wanted to talk to you about that" Ryuzaki sat beside me, " What about it?" " Not here, come back to my place after school. We can talk privately there" " Okay?".

I turned back to the board after Ryuzaki left and noticed Light glaring. I rolled my eyes and focused on what the professor was teaching, " Now remember, you all have a presentation on Friday. You can pair up or work alone, but you have to research a public case and share it with the class. It has to be within the last ten years and you have to have the above information. This is worth ten percent of your final grade".

I sighed as I packed up my bag, what the hell was I going to do this presentation on? Not going to lie, it feels good to worry about normal stuff again. " Hey" I jumped when Ryuk appeared beside me, " What do you want Ryuk?" I asked as I put my phone to my ear, if I wanted to talk to him in public I was going to make sure I didn't look crazy.

" How come you havent been around? That new blonde girl is annoying" " Well its actually because of her I'm not around anymore". " Huh?" " Light is "dating" her so as long as shes in the picture I'm gone" " You know hes just using her for Kira right? They havent even hugged, Light's disgusted by her for being so obedient so easily". " Look Ryuk, I'm not apart of Light's life anymore so I wont be around anymore. I'll miss you though, you were always fun to talk to".

" That's a shame, I liked you. You always brought me the juiciest apples" " Best of luck Ryuk, I think you're going to need it" " See you around Megami". I put my phone away when Ryuk disappeared, " Hey Meg, you ready?" Ryuzaki asked " Yeah let's go". It was a quiet walk back to Ryuzaki's place, it was actually a very tense silence.  I followed Ryuzaki into the building and into a room where he sat down in his usual odd way.

I sat down across from him " So what did you want to talk to me about?". " Are you sure you want to become a detective when you graduate?" " Of course, I've wanted to be a detective for years" " Why?". " Excuse me?" " Most people that want to be detective's always have a reason for it, what's your reason?" " I could ask you the same thing". Ryuzaki smirked at me, " I'll answer after you" I sighed before falling back on the couch " If I tell you then this entire thing stays between us, you got it?" " Cross my heart ".

I rubbed my head and took a deep breath, " Have you heard of the Shinsa case?" I asked " Yes, Tomoro Shinsa, arrested and sentenced to jail for the abuse and rape of his girlfriends child" " I'm the child". " What?" Ryuzaki looked stunned, I wiped my eyes quickly " Im the child from that case. That's why I want to become a detective", Ryuzaki gave me a sad look " I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have forced that out of you" " Its okay, really. Why did you want to know?".

Ryuzaki cleared his throat before sitting up and looking at me, " I want you to help me" " How so?" " Well I've been monitoring your school work and I think you have an extremely brilliant mind. Also I've heard your theories on the Kira case and after some thinking I decided to ask you to join my task force". I smiled " I'm sorry you're what? Is this some kind of school project?" " I beg your pardon, let me introduce myself properly. Hello Megami Hiroshima....I am L".

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