Chapter Nineteen

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I heard this annoying beeping in my ear, it was incredibly irritating to listen to. L turn it off, " L" I groaned out before slowly opening my eyes. I winced at the bright light as I looked around the room before my eyes landed on someone asleep in a chair. I took their hand and pulled it, " L?" I coughed before they slowly sat up. " Oh my god, Meg your awake!" Light yelled at me before hitting a button. " How do you feel? Are you okay?" " What happened? I feel like I got hit by a truck". Light looked at me worried " Do you not remember what happened?" " No, I was at the doctors and then-" my eyes widened in realisation as I pulled up my top to see my incredibly bruised stomach.

I let out a small cry as I covered my mouth at the sight, " Light please tell me my baby's still alive" " I-I dont know, L is with the doctor now so he'll be able to tell you ". The door flew open and I cried at the sight of L, he threw his arms around me and hugged me tight, " I'm so sorry, this happened to you because of me". " Megami? I'm your doctor, I did a few tests while you were unconscious so I want to go through the results with you". " Before you tell me my baby alive?" The doctor sighed, " I'm sorry, but with how early on you were and with the amount of damage you received to your I'm afraid your baby did not survive".

I cried into L's chest as the doctor continued my assessment, " You have three broken ribs, a cracked jaw and a fractured nose. How more damage wasnt done is a miracle, if anything I say your lucky to be walking away from this alive". The doctor put me on a drip to help with the pain before leaving me alone with L and Light. " When did you find out you were pregnant?" L asked, " Ye- wait how long was I out?" " A day" Light spoke up. " Two days ago, I was having my scan yesterday to see how far along I was". " You were late, you were meant to already be at home when you got taken", " I went into a bakery to get a cake to celebrate with you".

" Maybe you shouldn't be on the Kira team anymore" " What?" " None of us want to see you getting hurt like that again. We think its best if you retired and left, go back to college and do something else". " What? No, I'm not leaving just because I got kidnapped" " You were beaten, live on tv for all of Japan to see. I want you to be safe", " I'm safer with you then trying to go back to a normal life. I was outted to everyone as your girlfriend Ryuzaki. Now everyone knows what I look like". L sighed " Your not seriously rethinking this are you?!" " She has a point Light, everyone in Japan now knows who she is and her connection to me. That could be dangerous ".

" How?" " Well followers of Kira could come after her or perhaps Kira himself" " We already discussed this, she isnt coming back" Light argued. " Light, I gave up my entire life to join this taskforce, I'm not leaving it so I can end up with nothing". " Meg-" " I know what happened was bad, but I love L and I want to do this job. I promise I'll never leave the building again, not for anything. And if I have to leave then I wont leave without someone". " Light, I know its the right thing to let her go and live her life somewhere else...but she's right. I love her too and if she swears not to leave the building without someone then she can stay, but if anything happens then shes out. Does that sound fair?".

Light looked at me for a few seconds before sighing, " Fine, but I swear if anything else happens to her-" " I give you my word she'll be protected, for now she needs a lot of rest". " Will I be staying here in the hospital?" I asked, " No, we're transferring you back to the building during the night when all the reporters leave. There we'll be able to look after you properly". Light gave L a look, " There will be a doctor staying with us the entire time. I know I don't show emotions well, its something I've never been able to do very well, but you don't understand how upset and angry I am about this Light. Just because my face and voice don't give it away, doesn't mean I'm not full of rage right now".

Light and I looked at L shocked, " Your angry?" I asked " Of course I am, you were carrying my child and it was taken from us before we even got the chance to celebrate its arrival. Nothing makes me angrier that this happened to you, but from now on we're going to be extremely careful with these things". I nodded my head as L turned away from me, " Good, we'll discuss it in further detail later, for now relax. Once the shock has worn are going to be extremely mournful". " The shock of what?" " Of being taken, beaten and the news of our child. That's alot of traumatizing things to happen in such a short time frame, your body doesn't know what's happening yet because your mind is trying to process it first. So from now on, you're going to be very sensitive, we all need to be prepared for that".

" L, you lost this child too" " I know but as a woman who carried it you are much more attached to it then I am. You knew about it and got to fall in love with it, I never got that chance. So I'll be here to help you in anyway I can Megami. I promise ".

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