Chapter Ten

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I'd like to say things got better after that examination day but it didnt. Light didn't want me coming over to his house as much, and our dates started getting shorter and shorter until they eventually stopped. I hadn't even seen Light in a while and here I was walking into the opening ceremony to To-Oh University all by myself. I wore a beautiful red dress, my hair curled slightly and some nice make up. I was hoping to make my way here with Light but he didnt answer any of my messages so I stopped trying to reach out to him. I sat in the hall and listened to my future professors spoke to us.

I was surprised when I saw Light walk up onto the stage with that Ryuzaki guy from the entrance exam. Neither of them looked happy to see each other but they were the people who scored the highest in the exam so they had to give a speech. During Light's speech his eyes landed on mine, giving me a smile as he spoke. I only scoffed and turned my head, as far as I was concerned we had broken up. After the ceremony I collected my schedule and left the building, I had gotten what I needed so I didnt have to be there any longer.

" Meg! Meg wait up!" Lights voice called and I sighed as I stopped and turned towards him " What do you want Yagami?" I asked coldly. Light looked at me surprised " Yagami? Haha no need to be so formal I am your boyfriend after all". I let out a laugh " My boyfriend?" Light opened his mouth to say something when we were interrupted by Ryuzaki. Light sighed " What do you want Ryuzaki?" " I wanted to introduce myself properly to Ms. Megami" he said before turning to me. " I'm inclined sorry about our first encounter Ms-" " Call me Meg" " Meg" Ryuzaki said slowly, trying it on his tongue before giving me a small smile " I'd like to re-do our introductions. I'm Ryuzaki" he put his hand out and I shook it " I'm Megami but please call me Meg" " So I heard we'll be in the same class, I hope I can sit next to you" he smiled at me " That would be wonderful " I smiled back.

" Would you like to get some coffee? I know a place not far from here" Ryuzaki asked and I nodded my head " That would be great, lets go!" I cheered as we began walking away. " Hey! I was talking to you" Light said as he grabbed my arm, I turned to Light in surprise " Why are you ignoring me?". I laughed in his face before pulling my arm free from his grip " For a smart guy your really stupid. You have ignored my messages and calls for weeks. You've cancelled every date we've planned and refused to see me when I came to your house. As far as I'm concerned Light, we're over".

Lights eyes opened wide " What? We're not over!" " Leave me alone Light, come on Ryuzaki" I sighed before heading out the front gates with him. We made small talk as he showed me to the small cafe, we both ordered our drinks and a small cake before sitting down. " I'm sorry you had to see that" I sighed " You have nothing to apologise for, from what I witnessed he hasn't been a very good boyfriend" he took a bite out of his cake. " No not really, at the start I thought we'd last forever. He was so sweet and spoiled me but after the entrance exam hes just ignored me. I feel bad but-" " Dont be" Ryuzaki spoke up, cutting me off.

" He grew distant and you lost your infatuation with him. These things happen when your partner becomes distant. However you are starting a new chapter in your life, so why not use this time to help yourself and focus on your future career". I smiled at Ryuzaki " That's actually some really good advice, thank you Ryuzaki" he gave a small smile " By the way, what made you want to become a detective?" He asked. " Oh um" I scratched the back of my head " Its a long story actually" " We've got coffee and cake, we have all the time we need". I laughed a little as I rubbed my back of my neck " I don't really like to talk about it, it's kinda personal" " I'm guessing you had some kind of traumatic experience then".

My eyes opened wide at his bluntness " From your expression I'm guessing I'm correct". I stayed quiet as my mind ran the events back through my head, I didnt even notice I was crying until Ryuzaki rubbed my cheek " Your crying" " I'm sorry I have to go" I said before running out the door. I ran all the way home and locked my door, I managed to walk to the stairs before falling to the ground and crying. I grabbed my head and let out a sob as the horrible memories started to over come me, " No! I can't keep letting these memories win!" I forced my eyes closed as I yelled at myself to stop thinking about it.

I jumped to a pounding on my front door, I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep. I looked at the clock, it was five pm, mom wouldn't be home from work for hours. There was pounding on my door again, I sighed before getting up and opening the door. I gasped when I was pushed inside the house, door slamming and locking behind Light as he grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall. " L-light? What are you doing here?" " You really think you can break up with me just like that?" " Your the one who ignored me for weeks! What was I meant to take from that?!" " That stupid L put my house under surveillance! I couldn't even get changed in my own bedroom without being watched! I couldn't text you or have you over because L is on to me!".

" You couldn't have said this to me on a date or anything?!" " Everything I own was being watched, that's why I cancelled our dates. They had me being followed again, and I wasnt letting them try and follow you too". I grabbed onto Lights shirt and cried " Why are you crying?" " Because I thought you had left me!" I yelled at him. He sighed before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his tight " I told you before, I'm not letting you go. Your my queen Meg, and the king is nothing without his queen". 

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