Last resort (part 1)

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Hello again! how've you been doing? Spent the whole week doing other people's work for them... Yep. Word of advice friends, just work alone if you value your mental well-being.

This chapter will be divided into two parts, that's because the usual release was delayed and I think it's gonna be pretty long if I squeeze everything into one part.

565 reads... 30 votes... welp time for a reference, *Looks right, Looks left, grins widely* "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" 


Bart watched Mono comforting Six as she cried from his own dimension while the shack burned to ashes behind them. His head glitched and shifted rapidly from one face to the other, Bart regretted healing the boy, hell he even regretted giving him that praise. Everything was going perfectly until Mono went and done it. The fool... he burned the shack. the cycle is now set in stone again. Doomed to end horribly. Bart wanted to scream, rip out his hair if he had any. He could already see it all happening again, Mono rushing into that tower like a sniveling idiot to save her. And only ending up in that chair as a result... 

He turn away from the screen rubbed his temple, this could be different though can't it? Mono could still manage to pull it off, right? But no, he had seen it too many times before, He reached for the remote in his pocket and clicked the red button. And after that in the middle of the room where the mountain of TVs were piled on top of one another, only a couple dozen screens flashed and displayed the scenes. 

Bart turned towards the screens and looked at them carefully. Of course, in each of these cycles Mono had burned down the shack, and the events after that will eventually lead to his grim fate. Bart wore the face of the thin man and rubbed his eyes, sighing in desperation. At this rate he will end up losing his mind before Mono ever will. was there nothing he could possibly do to stop it?

"Yes, there is..." Bart whispered to himself, his eyes suddenly flashing at the idea. Then he froze, the thought of it terrifies even him. There was a room in the back which he always kept locked, even Mono knows nothing of it. He slowly turned his head and glanced towards it, there was a tall wooden door and on upper part, hung a metal shaped eye. And without knowing it, his hands started trembling on their own. This could still be saved for later, as a last resort. reasonable, but when exactly is the last resort? 

A key glitch to existence in his hand, he felt his hand quiver all the more as he approached the doorknob. He missed the keyhole several times, the key even fell out of his hands and hit the floor with a loud clink. Bart stood there staring at it for a long time before picking it up again, I shouldn't interfere, I shouldn't interfere, I shouldn't interfere. 

For years all he had to do, was sit there and watch. And pull Mono out of the cycle every time he failed, and heal him when necessary, but nothing beyond that. so why did you keep this blasted cycle going? 

The key finally found it's way into the keyhole, Bart turned it to the side until he heard a click. This is a mistake. He pushed the door open, revealing naught but one television. It's screen wasn't flashing black and white, but purple. The sounds that came from it were neither static nor glitching, but it was tune, one moment it is playing normally the next it begins to play backwards. 

Bart's face glitched uncontrollably, he took the faces of many until his features became nothing but static. As his vision adjusted to the purple light, he saw the screen clearly. A chair, a man in a suit, tall and thin, face hidden underneath the shadow of his black brimmed hat. 

Bart took daring steps towards the TV, and stood only inches away from it. "Mono..." He said. This was the only time he didn't pull him out of a cycle. After Six's betrayal, Bart left him there, and allowed time to eat away at him. 

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