Twin Drama (11)

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope u had a wonderful New Years Eve and New Years Day :)

I think I left the suspense of chapter 10 for long enough lol so I present to you chapter 11 which I have proof read but like I said, there are always a few mistakes that u just don't notice :)

Rae 'Rae x


Alejandro’s POV

Her eyes drifted shut, “Anna? Anna please!”

“Alpha she can still be saved if you just let the doctors take her to the infirmary”

“Take her now and so help me God if she doesn’t survive, your job will be gone, do you understand me?!”

He nodded frantically, “Yes sir”

He clicked his fingers and the doctors walked forward and gently picked up Anna and took her inside to the infirmary and just looking at her like that got me so angry,

“I want whoever did this found!! I do not care if they’re dead or alive when you bring them to me! Find them now!!”

“Yes alpha!”

“Nobody sleeps until they are found, nobody eats until they are found, and nobody rests until they are found! Do you hear me?!”

“Yes alpha!”


Everyone dispersed into the woods and around the house and I ran into the house towards the infirmary, I needed to know if Anna was okay because if she wasn’t, I don’t know how I’d be able to continue with my life.

I ran into the infirmary to see the doctors running around frantically, which was not something I wanted to see,

“What is going on?!”

The head doctor came up to me, “We’re doing everything we can alpha but because she’s human, she’s lost a lot more blood”

I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him up against the wall, “Now listen and listen well. I do not give a shit what you have to do and how you have to do it, my mate is there fighting for her fucking life! You better do everything you can to save her because if you don’t, you’ll regret it, have I made myself clear Dr Evans?”

He nodded, “Crystal”


I let him go and he fell to the ground and I turned away and walked towards where Anna was and as I looked over the scene, I felt the tears surface but I blinked them back, I couldn’t cry, I needed to be strong for her.

I ran my hands through my hair and punched the wall repeatedly, this was all my fault, if only I trusted her judgment then she wouldn’t have run away from me and she wouldn’t have got shot.

I stopped punching the wall once all my anger had gone and I leant against the wall and fell to the floor and put my head in my hands. I felt so hopeless knowing that I couldn't do anything to help my mate and that pained me the most.

*1 hour later*

1 hour later and I still haven't heard anything. I could see the doctors frantically moving around Anna trying to save her and I could hear the constant orders from them as well but yet no one has come to tell me what's going on!


I looked up from my lap to see a junior doctor,

“Unless you have good news about my mate, I don’t want you to speak”

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