Twin Drama

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Well, i'm back! I said I would write another werewolf and I did!! Joyful Moments! lol

Enjoy! :D

Rae 'Rae x


Anastasia’s POV

Ever wondered what it feels like to be the new girl in school? If you were, I’m going to explain it to you. Being the new girl at school is like being a fresh piece of meat for lions, you’ll eventually get eaten (bullied) by everyone else, I mean it’s not my fault I had to move, you can blame my dad for that one. ‘I got a new job’, he said, ‘It will be fine’, he said, well I’m still waiting for that moment to come but enough of my ranting, let me introduce myself. My name is Anastasia Trish Richardson and I’m 17 years old. I live in the UK, London to be precise and if you want me to be even more precise, I live in the county of Essex. Unfortunately for me, I’m not the only child, I have 4 other siblings, 3 of which are older than me. My sister Felicity is the eldest child being the age of 21, then it’s my brother Weston who is 19, then my second brother Taylor who is 18 and finally, the final child, my brother Samuel who is 12, as you can tell my parents were very busy people. Speaking of my parents, my dad Trevor is a lawyer, the best there is actually, so with him being the best, it requires him to move around a lot, unfortunately. My mum Stephanie is a doctor so she’s hardly ever home but when she is, I treasure the time I have with her considering I hardly ever see her.

But back to my rant, since we had to move, deeper into London (Central to be exact) I had to move schools, obviously. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a shy person at all but I just hate walking into a place full of people I don’t know and being expected to interact with them, like really?

“Anna, stop daydreaming, we’re here”

I came out of my daydream and looked out of the car window to see that we had indeed pulled up into the school car park and my heart just went into overdrive,

“Calm down baby girl”

I looked at my dad confused, “How did you know I was nervous?”

He smirked slightly, “I can practically see you hyperventilating, now get out of my car so I can go to work”

“Love you too daddy”

He chuckled, “Have fun princess”

I nodded and leaned over so I could give him a quick kiss on the cheek and I undid my seatbelt, picked up my bag and hopped out of the car. I hardly had a chance to close the door properly before my dad drove off, glad to know he cares.

I walked into the building, sad to see that class hadn’t started yet so everyone was just staring at me as I continued to walk through the corridor to the office and do you want to know what happened next? Well, I’ll tell you, I got pushed. I got pushed so hard that I fell to the floor and I just thought to myself, really?

“Watch where you’re going” A voice growled at me and I looked up and narrowed my eyes at the rude, yet cute guy in front of me,

“Why don’t you?”

The crowd that had now formed, gasped at what I said and I just rolled my eyes before standing up and staring directly at the guy in front of me, I wasn’t one to give up,

“Excuse me? Do you know who I am?”

I shrugged, “I don’t really care who you are to be honest, I’d like an apology”

“Yeah , like that’s ever going to happen, you should pay attention to where you’re going next time”

“Look, this is my first day and I’m not up for anyone’s bullshit right now, so just apologise, I really don’t want to hurt you”

Even though he was at least 6”1, I could still hurt him, what he didn’t know was that I’m a black belt in karate and I took judo for 6 months but he took the liberty of laughing at me,

“You? Hurt me? I’d like to see you try little girl”

That did it. I took his wrists, turned around so that my back was against his chest and flipped him over my shoulder making the crowd gasp again, like they’ve never seen a girl flip a guy over her shoulder, get real.

I bent down next to the guy and looked him in the eyes,

“Care to apologise now?”

He nodded fearfully, “Yeah sure, I’m sorry for pushing you”

I smiled and stood up again, “See, that wasn’t so hard”

I brushed down my shirt and turned around to walk away but not before he shouted out his name,

“I’m Lawrence!”

“I don’t care!”

I heard a few snickers within the crowd but I took no notice and just walked through the corridor that had now been cleared for me by students that now didn’t want to get on the wrong side of me now that they know what I can do.

I walked into the office and up to the desk where a middle-aged woman was typing into the computer,

“Excuse me?”

She looked up and gave me a friendly smile, “How can I help you darling?”

“I’m new here and I wanted to pick up my timetable”

“Ah, no problem, what’s your name?”

“Anastasia Richardson”

“Okay, just give me a moment”

She proceeded to type into the computer and no more than few minutes later, she handed me my printed timetable along with what looked to be a diary,

“I see your confusion” She said with a smile, “That is just a journal, it has a planner in the back so you can write down what lessons you have and when you have them to make it easier for you. Then it has all of the days of each week so you can write down any homework or assignments you receive”

I nodded in understanding, “Makes sense, thank you”

She nodded at me and I walked out of the office to my first lesson, which was Psychology. I only have 3 lessons a day, 2 of which are 2 hours each and the last one is an hour so overall it’s a very long day.

I eventually found my class, after searching endlessly for it. I knocked on the door 3 times,

“Come in”

I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom and everyone’s heads turned to face me,

“Ah, you must be the new student, Anastasia is it?”

I nodded, “You can just call me Anna”

He nodded, “Okay, well care to introduce yourself to the class?”

I shrugged and turned to face everyone, “Okay well as you know my name’s Anastasia, Anastasia Richardson-“

“Wait, do you know Trevor Richardson, the lawyer?”

I nodded, “Yeah, he’s my dad”

The class erupted into a range of murmurs and the teacher put his hand up and everyone quietened down immediately,

“Okay, thank you class” He turned to face me, “I see the intro isn’t going to work so I’m Mr Avisham and I welcome you to Tryton High”

“Thank you”

He smiled, “You can go take a seat next to Madeline, raise your hand Madeline”

A girl at the back with black hair and blue streaks raised her hand and I walked over and sat down in the empty seat next to her,

“Hey, I’m Madeline, as you know but you can call me Maddy, Mads or Addy, your choice”

I smiled, “Anna”

We shook hands and both paid attention to Mr Avisham who started talking about the different parts of the brain and how it relates to Psychology and in all honesty, as dumb as it may sound, I had no idea that the brain was broken up into loads of different parts.

Mr Avisham looked at the 2 empty seats 3 rows in front of me and sighed,

“Does anyone know where Antonio and Alejandro are?”

Everyone shook their heads and he turned back towards the board while I just looked at Maddy confused,

“Who are Antonio and Alejandro?”

“Well, everyone calls them the Avontos Twins, obviously because they’re twins, identical and because saying their names individually takes too long so we just say their last name and add ‘Twins’ to it”

“Smart idea actually”

She smiled, “Yeah but the Twins are basically the most popular guys in school and when you see them, you won’t find it hard to see why, they are hot as hell”

I giggled at her use of a simile, “Nice description, think I’ll see them at lunch?”

“Probably, if you see one you’ll definitely see the other, they’re always together”

“Addy and Anna, care to share with the class what you were talking about?”

“No that’s okay sir, you carry on”

He rolled his eyes at Maddy’s reply, “I’ll give you a warning Madeline and because it’s your first day Anna, I’ll let you off just this once but don’t let it happen again okay?”

“Yes sir” Me and Maddy replied simultaneously and he nodded satisfied before turning back to the board again and we both paid attention to him for the rest of the double lesson we had left.

*Lunch (2 lessons after Psychology)*

Finally! Lunch has arrived! I don’t think I have ever felt so hungry in my entire life, if I didn’t get out of Biology soon, I would’ve eaten the poor guy sitting next to me, powerful description of my hunger but suitable to describe exactly how I was feeling,


I stopped and turned on my heel to come face to face with Maddy, who was running frantically down the corridor to catch up with me,

“Yeah? Why are you running?”

She stopped in front of me and placed her hand on my shoulder, using me as support while she hunched over and got her erratic breathing under control,

“I’m so unfit” She muttered under her breath and I just smiled at her,

“So? Care to tell me why you were running like a mad woman?”

She stood up straight, “Okay well, one, I wanted to catch up with you, best friends stick together”

I raised an eyebrow at her, “Best friends? Not that I don’t like you or anything but we’ve known each other for 4 hours”

She linked her arm through mine and proceeded to drag me down to corridor to God knows where,

“Yeah but I have a good feeling that we’re gonna become great friends”

“Okay, moving on”

She smiled, “Yeah, I just saw the Avontos Twins and I’m making sure we get to the canteen before they do so we can witness their grand entrance”

“They have a grand entrance? What are they, royalty?”

“In this school, yes”

I rolled my eyes at that. I hate people that think they’re higher than everyone else, we’re all human, we’re all equal, well unless you’re the queen of England, then you’re higher than everyone else but let’s not get into that subject,


I snapped out of my trance and looked at Maddy, “Before you say anything, just know that I have a tendency to daydream a lot”

“No duh”

I laughed and then we finally came to the canteen, I knew it was the place before I even stepped foot through the doors because I could smell the food from where I was and it smelt heavenly.

I walked through the double doors and thankfully, no one took any notice of me, unlike this morning where everyone took notice of me,

“You can go and get your food while I grab us a table okay?”

I nodded and she walked off to find a table while I started to walk towards the line but I didn’t even get far because for the second time today, I got pushed to the ground. It’s like I have a sign on my head saying ‘push me’,

“For fuck sake man! Second time today, what is wrong with you people?!”

The whole canteen went silent and I looked up to face my attacker and just when I was about to curse them, the words just died in my mouth because I was looking at the hottest guy I had ever laid my eyes on, it must be a crime to look that hot,

“Mate” He whispered under his breath and I just looked at him confused, before standing up and staring him down,

“Seriously dude, I’ve been pushed twice now and I’m pissed, you won’t like me when I’m pissed, isn’t that right Lawrence?”

Everyone turned to face Lawrence who frantically nodded, “She did karate on me, not cool”

I heard a few snickers in the crowd and I just smiled at him before looking towards the guy in front of me again,

“So yeah, it would be in your best interest to apologise”

He smirked down at me, “I don’t apologise to anyone darling, they apologise to me”

“Oh please, you’re not a celebrity”

“Do you even know who I am? I don’t think you do because if you did, you would think twice at the way you are currently speaking to me”

“Look in all honesty, I don’t care who you are, I just want to get through the rest of the day without anymore fucking drama alright?”

“No point in telling me that but let me ask you a question, would you care to grace me with your name?”

“Anastasia Richardson and yes before anyone asks, the famous lawyer Trevor Richardson is my father”

Just like in Psychology, the crowd erupted into a range of murmurs and I just rolled my eyes before asking the same question to the guy,

“Care to grace me with the same?”

“Alejandro Avontos”

I nodded in understanding, “Oh so you’re one of the twins that thinks they’re all that? Where’s the other one then? I hear you follow each other around like you’re both each other’s lap dogs”

The crowd gasped at my bluntness towards the oh so famous Avontos Twin but he just chuckled,

“You’re a feisty little one, I like that and my brother, is over there”

He pointed towards one of the tables and it wasn’t hard to see who he was looking at, he looked exactly the same as Alejandro but instead of blue eyes, his eyes were green and narrowed towards me,

“Looks like he doesn’t like you”

I shrugged, “Looks like I don’t care”

“You’d be perfect for me”

I raised an eyebrow at him, “Look, we just met and I’m not one of those girls that jump into a relationship with a guy she just met”

“We can get to know each other darling”

“Yeah no, I’d rather stick pins in my eyes if I’m honest”

He smiled and bent down so he could whisper in my ear, “You may not know this now little Vixen but I will have you, I always get what I want, you’re mine”

He lightly kissed the side of my neck and before I could push him away, he moved away from me and winked before going to sit down at his table, leaving me to glare at the back of his head. I shook my head and turned to face the crowd who immediately went back to whatever they were doing before.

I walked towards the table that Maddy was sitting at, angry that I hadn’t gotten any food but too angry to actually go and get any,

“What the heck was that about?”

I shrugged, “He pushed me, I got pissed, end of story”

I debated on whether or not to leave out the bit where he said I was his but the words came out of my mouth before I could even decide.

I looked around the table to see that there were 4 other people so I looked at Maddy and gestured for her to introduce me,

“Oh yes, I forgot, Anna, this is Darren, Aisha, Jamie and AJ, guys this is Anastasia”

“Oh we know, like we could miss that little intro over there”

I rolled my eyes, “It wasn’t an intro, it was just him being a dick”

“Don’t let him catch you saying that”

I looked at Jamie confused, “Why not?”

“There’s no telling what he’d do”

I kept silent because I kind of already knew what he’s going to do… He’s going to make me his and by the determination that was in his voice, he wasn’t going to give up so easily. ______________________________________________________________________

I know it's not that long but this is merely the first chapter/teaser lol the next chapter will really get into it with Anastasia and Alejandro :P  

Rae 'Rae x

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