Twin Drama (25)

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Anastasia’s POV

*4 years later*

It’s been 4 years since everything with alpha Weston occurred and those 4 years have been the best years of my life. Alexia is now 4 years old and is a little handful that’s for sure. She learnt to walk at 10 months and she started talking around the same time, so 4 years later, she can talk for the whole of England. She’s also very smart, you could ask her any question about wolves and she’d know it, it’s safe to say the goddess blessed her very well that day. She has the mind of a child so much older but she’s still my baby girl,


Speak of my little girl. I was currently cooking in the kitchen so I turned around to face her and gave her a look when I saw her running,

“Lexi, what have I told you about running in the house?”

“Not to do it”

I nodded, “That’s right. Don’t do it again please”

“Sorry mummy”

I smiled and sat down on the chair next to the kitchen table and pulled her into my lap,

“So, what is it you wanted to tell me?”

“Alijah and Adalynn are arguing again”

“Where’s daddy?”


I nodded, “Okay, can you go and get your brother and sister please?”


She jumped off my lap and ran out of the room, “Walk Alexia!”


I smiled and shook my head before standing up and going back to cooking momentarily. 2 years earlier me and Ali had 2 more children, twins, who we named Alijah Julius and Adalynn Alisa. I actually had a total of 3 miscarriages before we had the twins and it really made me weary of getting pregnant again. When we found out we were having twins, I was even more emotional because if I miscarried, I would be losing 2 babies instead of 1. I was so cautious during my pregnancy and Ali literally wouldn’t let me move at all which was understandable of course. When we got to the 3rd month, doc said that we had passed the danger zone and he was 99% sure I would carry them full term and hearing him say that just made me cry tears of joy. On August 16th, we welcomed them into the world. Alijah was born first at 3.10am with a weight of 7lbs 6oz and Adalynn followed only 2 minutes after with a weight of 6lbs 5oz.

Alexia went through a phase where she thought we loved the twins more than her but after much reassurance, she realised that we loved all 3 of them equally and she loves her brother and sister to death,


I turned the cooker off before turning around to face my 3 children to see Alijah and Adalynn with their heads down, they know they’ve done something wrong,

“Lexi, go and get daddy please”

At the sound of me asking to get Ali, they both lifted their heads up and shook their heads,

“No mummy!”

I raised an eyebrow at them, “Oh, why not? I’ve told you many times not to argue with each other but you don’t seem to listen so maybe daddy can tell you”

“Daddy scary”

I laughed slightly at that. It’s not that Ali gets angry at them, it’s just that he’s a really big guy in terms of his height and the size of his muscles, he just comes off as a scary guy and when he’s scolding the kids, they don’t like it.

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