Twin Drama (5)

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Quicker upload this time, I start college again on Monday so I won't have time to write, it takes up sooooo much of my life now :( 

Rae 'Rae x


Alejandro’s POV

At 7pm sharp, everyone was sat down for dinner and that everyone included me, Anna, Alexandria, Antonio, my mum and dad, the beta Daniel and my friends Ryker, Preston, Jaheim, Fredrick, Lawrence, Georgia and Amara.

We were all just getting to know Anna a bit better by asking her questions and surprisingly she was comfortable answering them all, so far we knew that her favourite subject was PE and English, she loved cats and she’s very sarcastic but I knew that already. Now we were talking about her family,

“So Anna, do you have any brothers or sisters?”

She nodded, “I have 3 brothers and one sister, I’m 2nd youngest”

“We’ll have to meet them one day, if that’s okay with you of course”

“Yeah, I think they’d like that, I’d have to sort it with them first though”

My mum nodded, “Of course, have you told your parents you were here tonight?”

Anna’s eyes went wide, “No I did not, they’re gonna kill me!”

I put my hand on her arm to calm her down and she looked at me,

“Don’t worry babe, you want me to sort it for you?”

She shook her head, “It was my fault I didn’t tell them, I can’t ask that of you”

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “Its fine little vixen, I’ll be back okay?”

She nodded and I gave her a peck on the lips before standing up and walking out of the dining room so that I could call her parents. You may be wondering how I even know her parents number but that’s because she’s my mate and I made sure I had the numbers of everyone she new, I’m not taking any chances.

I walked into the lounge away from everyone else and sat down on the sofa so that I could proceed to dial the number and it took a total of 4 rings before they finally answered,

“Hello? Trevor Richardson speaking”

“Hello Mr Richardson, my name is Alejandro Avontos”

“Ah, Alejandro, the boy that seems to be controlling my daughter”

My wolf got angry at that statement but I pushed him down and proceeded to talk,

“No disrespect Mr Richardson but you don’t know me so I’d prefer it if you didn’t judge me at all, I have already met Mrs Richardson and she knows that I am definitely not controlling her”

“I’ll believe that when I see it Alejandro but is there any reason why you’re calling? Unless you’ve heard from Anastasia?”

“I have, she’s with me, having dinner with my family”

“And why did you not ask our permission?”

“She’s 17 sir, I do believe that she is capable of making decisions for herself, I do apologise for not asking your permission first but I am doing the right thing now by calling you and telling you where she is and I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak to me as if I have kidnapped her”

“You practically have”

I let out a low growl and spoke with a sharp edge to my tone,

“I practically haven’t, now I am trying to keep my calm right now but you are pushing me more and more over the edge and I do not like it”

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