Twin Drama (12)

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Once again I apologise for the wait, it's been about 2 weeks now I think lol but here it is, you shall wait no longer :)

Like I say every chapter, I apologise in advance for any mistakes I missed in this chapter and I apologise for any mistakes I will probably make in future chapters :)

Rae 'Rae x


Anastasia’s POV

Well, I was back at school today and the stares have yet to cease. I mean, how hard is it to believe that me and Alejandro are actually dating? Actually don’t answer that question because other than the fact that we’re mates, I wouldn’t imagine Alejandro giving me the time of day and that made me very insecure for some reason,

“Anna? Are you okay?”

I looked up at Ali to see him looking down at me with a worried look on his face,

“Yeah I guess”

He furrowed his eyebrows, “You guess? What’s wrong?”

I sighed, “I was just thinking that if we weren’t mates, you wouldn’t of even thought to give a girl like me a second glance”

“I’m not going to lie to you because I probably wouldn’t have but that just goes to show how much of a dick I would’ve been for not giving you a second glance, you’re an amazing, beautiful girl Anastasia”

I blushed at his compliment, “Thank you”

“How’s your stomach?”

Out of instinct, I looked down at my stomach before replying, “Its okay, sometimes it hurts but I can handle it”

He nodded and he pulled me closer towards him so that he could wrap his arms around my waist and I smiled,


Me and Ali turned around to come face to face with Georgia who was frantically running towards us,

“Georgia, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Lawrence”

“What about him? What happened?!”

“He’s-He’s in a fight with Aidan”

“Why?! You know how he gets when he’s angry Georgia!”

He growled and ran off down the corridor and I looked at Georgia before running off after him and it wasn’t hard to find the commotion because there was a big crowd surrounding the fight,

“What is going on?!!”

Everyone went silent at Alejandro’s voice which surprised me. He pushed through the crowd and me and Georgia followed until we got to the centre where we could fully see what was going on and it didn’t look good. Lawrence had a busted lip but the guy Aidan had it much worse; he had a busted lip, a black eye and there was blood coming from his mouth.

Alejandro walked towards the fighting pair and casually stepped in between them, stopping the fight all together,

“I would like an explanation”

“I don’t have to explain anything to you!”

He looked at Aidan, “Do not test my patience; I don’t like you as it is and I don’t like it when my friends are involved so if you don’t tell me what happened, I’ll force it out of you”

Aidan looked him dead in the eye, “I’d like to see you try”

Ali raised his arm to punch him but I stepped forward and grabbed it before he could make contact with Aidan’s face much to his annoyance,

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