Twin Drama (20)

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Anastasia’s POV

*1 month later*

It’s been one month since we had that run in with alpha Weston and in that month nothing has happened. Even though we haven’t had any sign from alpha Weston that the war will be soon, the training has not been let up. We want to be as prepared as possible for when the time does come.

Right now though, I’m lying down on the bed only because I have been feeling much more tired than usual during training and today Ali put his foot down and told me to go and lie down which is exactly what I did.

I’m hoping the tiredness means nothing but I definitely have a theory as to what it could be so I stood up from the bed to confirm my suspicions. I looked at the calendar and took a deep breath at what I saw… I was late, by one week. I am very regular so I had no doubt that I was indeed pregnant and once I thought that, I immediately put my hand on my stomach.

I’m most definitely not upset about this; I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Considering I haven't had any morning sickness or anything close to that, it's a shock to me. Regardless of the timing though, I am happy and I know that Ali will be ecstatic. He’s said to me many times how he wants a child of his own and now I can give him one.

However, I’m not going to tell him until I get proper confirmation so I walked out of the room and walked outside to the back where Ali was training the fighters and he immediately turned to face me,

“I thought I told you to lie down?”

“You did but I just wanted to let you know that I’m going out”

“Let me wrap this up and I’ll come with you”

I shook my head, “Stay here and continue training, I’ll be back soon okay?”

He nodded and gave me a peck on the lips and I walked off towards the garage and got in my Porsche to drive to the nearest chemist.

Once I arrived, I immediately walked to the aisle that I needed and picked up 4 different tests, all of them saying that they were 99.9% accurate and I needed as much accuracy as I could get.

I walked up to the counter, ignoring the judging looks I got from most of the people in the store and paid for the tests.

I wasted no time in getting back in the car and driving as quickly but as carefully as I could back to the house. I wanted to do this quickly so I could confirm my suspicions.

I parked up the car and practically ran upstairs to the bathroom connected to mine and Ali’s bedroom and locked the door. I took the tests out of the bag and followed the instructions on the boxes. It said I had to wait 3 minutes before I could find out so I lined the tests up on the window ledge and waited.

All I have to say is those 3 minutes felt like 20. Once the time was up though I stood up and took a look at the tests and smiled… They all read positive.

I opened my mind link and spoke to Ali, ‘Babe, can you come upstairs please?’

‘What’s wrong? Are you okay?’

I smiled at how concerned he was over me before replying, ‘I’m fine, I have something I want to show you’

‘I’ll be right up, let me just dismiss everyone’

He cut off the link and I took a few deep breaths before I picked up all four of the pregnancy tests and no more than a few minutes later, Ali called out to me,


At the sound of Ali’s voice I hid the tests behind my back before opening the door and he turned to face me,

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