Twin Drama (2)

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Well here is chapter 2! Sorry if its late, I've had 9 biology homework's I've had to do since I started college, which was only 4 weeks ago!! 2 of my homework's were PE so that's not bad lol

Anyway, enjoy! :D

Rae 'Rae x 


Anastasia's POV

First day of school over. I can safely say that I went the rest of the school day without seeing Alejandro or his brother, thank God,

"Hello again little Vixen"

Well, I spoke to soon, just typical! Why couldn't today just be normal?

"Hello Alejandro, where's your lapdog?"

He smiled, "He's not my lapdog Anna, he is free to do what he wants, just because we're twins, doesn't mean we're always together"

I scoff, "Yeah right, everyone keeps telling me how you're always at each others side, if I see one of you, I see both of you"

He moved forward so that I was pressed up against the wall and he put his hands on either side of my face,

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear darling, it's hard to decipher rumours from truth"

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and the close proximity between us made the breath catch in my throat,

"Let me drive you home"

I slowly shook my head, still stuck in my trance a bit,

"I don't know you"

He started to caress my cheek and my eyes closed on its own accord,

"Like I said, you can get to know me, a beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't be walking the streets alone"

I opened my eyes and stared straight into his blue ones with my honest reply,

"Why do you care? You only met me a couple of hours ago, you don't know me"

He smiled, "I don't need to know you to know that I won't let you slip away from me"

"Why? Why can't you just leave me alone? Why am I so important to you?"

"I apologise but I cannot reveal that to you just yet, just let me take you home, please"

His eyes looked pleadingly at me and I couldn't turn him down, it's like I wasn't in control because before I knew it, I was nodding my head at him,

"Just don't try anything"

"I promise I will do nothing without your consent"

I nodded and he gave me a peck on the lips,

"Starting now"

I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him away from me and started walking away when he grabbed my hand and started leading me to his car.

We walked up to a BMW X6 and I stared at it in awe,

"Nice huh?"

I nodded, "Definitely"


We both turned around to face the owner of the voice and came face to face with none other than his brother Antonio,

"Yes Antonio?"

"I thought you were going to give me a ride home since my cars in the shop?"

"Get in the car then"

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