☆ 07 | Father ☆

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Dear Mumma,

We had a big celebration in the great hall today to celebrate our victory over Voldemort. After the massive feast, Professor Dumbledore called me to his office. He told me I was suffering from asthma because of the chest wound. I had also lost a lot of blood and direly needed it so, the teachers volunteered to donate blood to me. Professor Snape was an exact match. When I asked the headmaster if something was wrong with it, he explained such cases were rare and happened only when the two people in question are immediate relatives. I was shocked when he said that after everything in the last week and several tests later, a long-hidden secret came to view, Professor Snape is my father. Professor Snape came through the fireplace, and the headmaster left us alone to have a chat. I was both scared and happy that I had a parent and scared because I knew he hated me very much. My happiness was short-lived when Professor Snape clarified that he didn't consider me his son, no matter what the tests revealed. He also warned me not to call him any title except sir. I was sad, but then I have had worse what is in it that one more person in my life didn't want me like anyone ever had, considering what a freak I am. I believe he is my father, and I will work hard to prove that I am not a freak and am worthy of being his son. I will work very hard to get good marks in my exams and earning a hundred points till Christmas to receive that gift from him. I need to get just five more points to reach a hundred in four days. I hope I achieve the deadline before the Christmas holidays start. Maybe then he will be proud of me.

Lots of Love, Harry

Severus set the diary on his lap, holding his head in his hands. What had he done? He failed himself, failed Lily! and failed their son. His and Lily's. He didn't know how much he could beer before he broke down completely. He couldn't even bring himself to turn the page. But he needed to at one point because he needed to know the extent of the damage he had caused to the relationship with his son. There Harry was trying his best to make him proud, and he, like a bastard, was turning a blind eye to everything belittling the boy every chance he got. With shaking fingers, he turned the page.

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