☆ 04 | Slytherin ☆

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Dear Mumma,

Yesterday was my first day at Hogwarts: it's such a big castle that's so beautiful, just like the fairy tales. I still can't believe I am a wizard, a famous one at that. Earlier, Hagrid took me shopping for my things for my new school in the magical market called 'Diagon Alley' where he told me that I was a famous wizard because I defeated Voldemort when I was little. He also said to me that you died protecting me from him. I really wish you had never saved me because I'm good for nothing, freak. I wet my bed every night, and I don't think it would take long for my classmates to find out what a freak I am because I had no idea what will I do to clean up the mess every morning. I will have to think of something, though, that too very soon if I want to keep up my friendship with anyone. That aside, I want to tell you about Hedwig, my owl, that Hagrid got for me as a birthday present: my first birthday present! I was so happy. She is beautiful, all white with shiny blue eyes. Hagrid told me that you have left me a lot of money in my vault, and I can use it for anything I want. I promise to use it wisely.

Hagrid took us to another vault where he got a package saying it was top-secret, and I must not tell anyone about it. I wonder what is in the box, but I think it's none of my business. We also got my wand, and the wand master told me that it was a brother wand of Voldemort's wand. Hagrid left me at the station, never telling me where the platform was and when I asked the officer where it was, he told me there was no such platform. I was so confused about where to go, then I spotted people going through the barrier on the 9th platform. I approached the lady with red hair, showing her my ticket. She told me I will pass the wall, so I passed together and landed on the platform mentioned on my ticket. I boarded the train and found an empty compartment.

A few minutes later, the red-headed boy I had seen with the kind lady asked me if he could sit with me. He was so shocked when I told him I was Harry Potter. We enjoyed the train ride with sweets from the trolley. A boy named Neville lost his frog on the train, and Hermione helped him locate it. She also helped me fix my glasses, which had broken from when Dudley had broken them by stepping on them. When we arrived, Hagrid met us at the river, where we took boats to the castle. As we were going for the sorting, we met up with another boy named Draco.

I don't like him because he made fun of Ron's family about their wealth, so I ignored him. When it was finally my turn to be sorted, I pleaded with the sorting hat not to put me in Slytherin, but it wouldn't budge said I need to be like my father if anything, and I was sorted into the same house. After that, Professor Snape gave us the rules about the houses and told the prefects to tell us the remaining few, then he left us to ourselves. The prefects explained that the one achieving a total of 100 points during the year gets a special present from Professor Snape on Christmas. I don't know why but I wanted to be the one to get that gift. I guess I want to make you proud even if you are not here. Everyone said that you and dad were Gryffindor, but the sorting hat said otherwise, so I think it got mixed me up with someone else.

Draco had asked to be my friend after Ron had shouted at me for being a slimy Slytherin, and he didn't want anything to do with me. Draco is not that bad, I guess. I was sad but what can I do? Draco, Theo, and I shared a dorm. We talked before we went to sleep. I just lay on my bed, wide awake, scared to close my eyes, but at some point, my exhaustion took over, and I was in dreamland. I woke up to find my worst nightmare had come true - I had wet my bed in the night, and I had no idea what I should do. Before I could do anything, Draco had pulled the curtains off my bed and was looking at me in shock as he took in the wet sheets. I looked down, embarrassed, tears filling my eyes as I waited for him to react. I expected him to deny being my friend but what happened next shocked me. The wetness from under me faded like it wasn't there at all in the first place. I looked up to see Draco smiling at me. He sat on my bed saying it was an accident and when I told him that it wasn't and that I wet the bed every night, sometimes even having accidents during the day as well, he simply shrugged and promised me to be there whenever needed.

To our shock, Theo was listening to our conversation and said we were together in this. I don't know why, but I was happy to be friends with them to have someone I can be open to and don't need to hide anything from. They both helped me in class when Ron tried to bully me. We finished our homework together, answering questions in class and earning a total of 7 points for me, 5 for Theo, and 9 for Draco. I am so lucky to have them with me. I think Professor Snape doesn't like me because, in class, he awarded points to Theo and Draco for their perfect potion but not to me when I gave in mine, which was also excellent. Instead, he was looking at me with angry eyes. I don't know what I did, but I will make it right. I hope up there you are proud of me.

Lots of love, Harry


Severus was floored at the kindness the Malfoy and Nott heir had shown towards his son, even though they didn't know who he was, unless ... He wasn't sure, but he was grateful nothing less to them for being there for his son when he was drowning in his own fear of rejection and hatred for his own kin. He knew the three were close, but not to this extent. To tell the truth, he was partly jealous of everyone knowing his son more than himself, to have a chance to be in his life when he has ruined his own, by belittling his son. He just wished it wouldn't be too late when he apologized, that he hadn't done anything to make his relationship with his son unrepairable. That alone made his vision go blurry as he thought of the possibility of the above happening.

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