☆ 12 | I Am Sorry, Don't Leave Me ☆

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Albus cast him an angry look before making his way towards the door but stopped when Lucius grabbed his wrist, motioning towards Severus, who was standing beside the fireplace, shaking, not having lifted his head from the minute he stepped out the fireplace. Severus was scared. He could feel the waves of anger and displeasure radiating from his father. He tried to block it all out but was unable to even raise his weakest occlumency shields.

When his father was this angry, Lucius and Severus decided to join the dark lord to spy on him even after Albus' ongoing protests. He remembered that day clearly. That was the day Albus has indeed raised a hand on them. He had slapped them right across the face for their foolish actions. Severus was so scared that he had peed himself right in front of his father and brother. Father has held them both after their punishment, saying it was alright and they will walk together no matter what may come. His thoughts were interrupted by Lucius' voice.

His thoughts were interrupted by Lucius's voice.

"We have to tell him, Albus."

"I am too angry to deal with him at this moment. I can't just get it out of my head. He is the reason my grandson is in the hospital wing fighting for his life."

That made Severus look up at Dumbledore with red-rimmed eyes who was himself trying to keep the dam in.

" Harry?" he spoke almost inaudibly but was clearly heard in the silence of the room.

"Yes, Professor Snape Harry, my grandson, tried to suicide because he thought of himself as a freak who deserved to die." Albus all but spat at him.

"Da..." he started but was cut off before he could even finish a single word.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT. YOU ARE NOT MY SON. I DON'T WANT TO BE A FATHER TO YOU." The bookshelves shook as magic surged out of Albus at an alarming rate. Lucius came forward, placing his hand on Albus's shoulder, trying to calm him down, but all in vain.

Severus was experiencing an array of emotions from guilt to fear as he tried to digest his father's words. He knew what he did to Harry was wrong, but now he knew exactly how his child must have felt when he denied him the right to call him anything except a formal title.


"I don't want to hear any excuses, Professor Snape," Albus replied calmly, having gained little control over himself.

It stung more when his father addressed him by his formal name instead of the nickname, he usually called him by, since the finalizing of the adoption paper between his third and fourth year after Tobias's death.

Albus has taken Lucius in after his fourth year when he found out about the abuse he suffered at the hands of Abraxas. Albus had been a father to them since then. He was able to deflect them from the dark path their fathers were preparing them to follow. They were both very grateful to have Albus in their life.


"Do you think this will get you anywhere? Have I raised you to be an abuser?" Albus asked, disappointment evident in his voice. He sank down into the armchair in front of the fireplace, unable to hold himself up any longer.

He sighed when he looked up at his younger offspring. He could see the emotional trauma Severus was going through, but he was more upset, which was turning into anger, and it raised with each passing minute. He was determined to teach Sev a lesson without wavering.

"Lucius, please tell me you treat Draco with love and care rather than being a bully to him."

"Albus, how can you? Of course, I love Draco." Lucius answered, astonished at the fact Albus even thought about it.

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