☆ 0.0 | Promise | Severitus One-Shot ☆

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I will always treat you as my own.



Severus walked toward the Headmaster's office with his usual scowl on his face, his cloak billowing behind him. As he climbed the stone staircase and entered the room, he was offered a lemon drop, which he politely refused.

"Severus, we have a matter that needs to be taken care of," the Headmaster said.

Severus nodded, signaling that he was listening, so the Headmaster continued.

"I am informed that Harry Potter's relatives are not treating him properly," Albus informed him with a sad expression on his face.

"What, pray tell, Albus, does this information have to do with me?" Severus spat angrily.

"My boy, I want you to go and check on him," Albus said, sighing heavily, knowing all too well what was about to come.

"Absolutely not," Severus replied, standing up abruptly and sending his chair to the floor with a loud thud.

"But--" the Headmaster started, but was cut off by Severus.

"No, Albus. I am not going to check on Potter's spawn, who might have thrown a temper tantrum for not getting his favorite toy..." Severus continued shouting, pacing back and forth.

"Severus, don't forget he is Lily's son as well," Albus said calmly.

Severus stopped dead in his tracks as if he had seen a ghost. It had been three years since her death, but her name still sent chills down his spine. No matter how much he denied it, he had always loved her, even when she chose Potter over him.

Albus knew his work was done, so he moved around his desk, handing the parchment with the address scribbled on it to the still stunned Potions Master.

Two hours later...

Severus stood in front of the Dursleys' house, debating his options. Assuming he didn't have much time, he cast a Notice-Me-Not charm on himself and got in with a simple Alohomora. He was met with thousands of photos in the hallway showcasing a pig of a child, a horse-faced woman, and a walrus of a man.

But aren't there four members in the family? He thought.

He searched the photos, looking at each one very carefully, but found none of the boy he had come looking for.

"Must have a whole room filled with his photos, spoiled brat. Just like his father."

Severus made his way to what looked like a living room. The same child he had seen in the photos was sprawled on the sofa watching television while munching on some chips.

Spoiled brat, he thought. He was about to make his way out of the living room to check the rest of the house when a small child, looking not more than two, entered the living room wearing clothes that were far too loose for his small frame and carrying a tray filled with food. The small boy walked up to the other one, who snatched the tray from his hand, sending some food to the floor. The small boy was about to bend down to pick up the food, but as soon as he reached for it, the bigger one got up, only to step on his hand and sit back down as if it were nothing.

From where Severus was standing, he could see the swelling on the boy's hand. He waved his wand and performed a simple spell that made the pain vanish.

He almost smiled to himself when the boy's eyes widened in shock, and he looked at his hand, utterly confused, but that smile vanished when those green eyes of none other than Lily Potter looked his way.

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