☆ 001 | Dad ☆

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It was nearing the end of the day as dinner was served and Sev was nervous was an understatement of the year. He was moving around his chambers making sure everything was in place as it was the first time Harry would be staying with him for the night and he had no words to explain the bubble of nervousness he was feeling in the pit of his stomach.

The slight screech of the front door had him standing from where he was sitting on the couch. He greeted Harry with a smile who returned it with a small shy one of his own as he came into view, walking over to him and swiftly covering his eyes with his palm.

"Dadd..." Harry whined and the nervousness he was feeling earlier was replaced by a warm yet fuzzy feeling. It was the first time Harry called him that in person and Sev couldn't explain the rush of a ton of emotions throughout his body. Harry had been referring to him as dad in his personal journal judging from a few times he got a sneak peek at it but him hearing it from Harry was a whole different thing. Harry seemed stiff under his touch for a moment as if waiting for a reaction and when Severus back hugged him, he relaxed a bit, releasing a shaky breath.

Severus led him through the hallway to the array of rooms and opened the door to the very last one. He uncovered Harry's eyes, stepping back a bit in anticipation, waiting for Harry to react.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. The plaque on the door proudly stated the room as his.

He walked in when Sev nudged him from the back looking at everything in amazement. The room was elegant and comfortable with a 3D ceiling that showcased the night sky, illuminating the room slightly and a four-poster bed in the middle, a nightstand with a lamp resting on it alongside a few books. The room was painted in light shades of brown with the furniture in wooden colors. It sported a television unit opposite the bed with bookshelves surrounding it, books neatly arranged on them, and a study table on its side with what he figured out was a laptop on top of it. The wardrobe was placed on one side of the bed with a bathroom door and the other side of it was a window that gave a clear view of the quidditch pitch. A couple of footstools and a bean bag were tossed in front of the bed.

The walls showcased a few of Harry's paintings and a few posters of quidditch and cartoons he loved. By the look of it, his belongings have been bought down from the manor as his Hagrid bear as he called it was resting on the side of the bed with his few others resting above the bookshelves with Hedwig's cage, the few trophies he had won throughout the year and a few plants placed on the windowsill. His pin board was also there on his table. Everything was there and judging by the chill in the air, the room was centrally air-conditioned. The room was just perfect.

Severus was still standing at the doorstep too nervous to pay attention as a small body collided with his legs, almost toppling the both of them to the ground. Harry hugged his legs thanking him over and over.

"Do you like it?"

"It's perfect Dad."

"I am glad." Severus smiled.

He had seen the look on Harry's face when they had visited Malfoy Manor earlier this year. Harry had casually commented how Draco had his own room and how good it looked to which Draco had given him a confused look asking weren't boys and girls supposed to have their own rooms. Severus swore he would give Harry only the best. Till now Harry was staying at his dormitory, coming down only to spend a few hours with him.

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