☆ 11 | Happy Birthday ☆

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Dear Mumma

Today was my birthday, and I received a lot of gifts from everyone. It was the best birthday ever. As usual, Hermione has given me books, and Draco has given me a peacock feather quill that will never run out of ink. It was just fantastic. Theo has given me a bunch of sweets and a night light in the shape of a snitch. It was so cool. Professor McGonagall has sent me a jumper with another scarf, extremely comfortable and beautiful. Mrs. Weasley has sent me lots and lots of sweets.

Hagrid's gift was the best of all except for grandpa. He made a dragon Model. carving wood. It was very thoughtful of him.

And now the best gift I received today was from grandpa. He came to wish me and deliver my gift himself. He has given me twelve gifts because he said he missed the first eleven years of my life and made up for that.

He has bought various plush toys which contained a teddy bear that was as big as Hagrid with various other toys arranged in a toy chest and said they counted as one. One package had different clothes, both formal and casual, multiple pairs of socks, and the like. I also received two drawing kits, one magical and the other one was regular stationery.

Then there was the mobile phone he bought me. I knew what it was. Uncle Vernon had bought one for Dudley on his tenth birthday, and he had shown off telling everyone he had an I-phone which was one of the most expensive ones available in the market.

Grandpa said he has one too, and we can talk to each other and play games together. He also gifted me a digital drawing pad and explained to me its functions and working.

Other gifts contained various decorations for my room, books, a golden watch, my own set of quidditch balls, a nimbus 2000 broom, and a golden chain that he told me not to remove, and it alerted him from when I was in danger.

I went back to my room when he left to put away the gifts I received. My room looked so good after I arranged everything.

I kept the plush toys on top of the bookshelf beside Hedwig's cage with the teddy bear sitting beside my bed after arranging the books in the bookshelves, set the toy chest and the boxes of sweets in the drawer under my bed, clothes in my cupboard. The quills, parchments, and ink bottles in the first drawer of my desk. The phone and camera in the second and the drawing supplies and tablet in the third. I stuck the quidditch posters on the wall and pushed my broom in the space beside the cupboard. I pulled out my trunk from the last section of the closet, putting it in the area under my desk, and kept the trunk containing the quidditch balls in place of it.

Theo and Draco called to wish me through the floo. I told them all about my gifts and how grandpa told me to come to him if something was wrong. He asked me about Professor Snape's gift, but I could distract him and be further saved by Uncle Lucius and Aunt Cissy as they wished me over the floo. They too have sent me gifts containing dress robes and a variety of sweets and candies.

You know they told me to call them that because Uncle Lucius and Professor Snape were brothers. Draco also said to me that the headmaster was his grandpa too, and thus we were cousins.

Theo pouted at that and told us he wanted to be our brother too, and it was unfair, but Uncle Lucius said to him that we all were brothers because our parents were friends with Theo's parents. That made him Happy. Draco had told me that Professor Snape got him a gold chain just like mine on his birthday and a broom for his good marks. I do not think I can ever be as bright as Draco to get Professor Snape even smile at me.

I wish I were up there with you. I had tried to take poison, but Mickey has found me and made me vomit. I promise Mumma I will try hard, and we will soon be together.

Lots of Love, Harry


Severus was now afraid to even turn the page, fearing the worst to come yet. His hands shook as he held the corner of the page between his fingers. He gathered up the courage and turned the page only to find the last words he wanted to read. He shuffled the diary pages to find that was the last entry from the day they have left the manor.


I am coming to you, Mumma.


That simple sentence shook Severus to the core, and he wasted no time to floo back to his quarters at Hogwarts only to step back when he found an outraged Albus and a disappointed Lucius standing in his sitting room.

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