➼ 𝟏𝟒, 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲

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After they left, a staff showed me around the two buildings. I know I keep on saying this, but the building was so pretty. The two colossal towers were connected, resulting in an H-type shape. The whole of it looked as if it were a stereotypical typical tower from the outside, but mark my words; the inside was absolutely astonishing. From polished floors to high ceilings, this building was as modern as it could be. Screens were everywhere, and I saw robots cleaning from time to time.

What I found interesting, though, is that the two buildings were connected. According to the person who showed me around, the Park family and Jeon family are very close, which resulted in combining their companies and sharing everything. And at the very top floor on both buildings; that is where Jeon and Park's office is. They share an office. Which was quite amusing, but I guess they don't want to waste a second without each other.

As the staff leads me to my office, I couldn't help but gasp; my office was so beautiful. Just like the building, white was covering most of the surrounding things. There were some hints of black and grey to make things easier to see. An office chair, desk, bookshelves, painting, and a lamp. Those were the only things in my office, which was way more than enough to work there. And to top it off, the room was big.

Later on, the staff gave me a binder regarding the things I need to do and the things I need. The worker also said that he also added a list of what Jeon and Park like and when they want it. From what I hear so far, they're strict people; to their staff. When you disobey/ignore their orders, you immediately get fired. I should pull myself together and brace myself in case I mess things up tomorrow.

I carefully step into my office and walk towards the desk. I put my bag on my desk and sit down on the chair.

I grab the binder the staff gave me and decided to look through it.

Required things:

- Computer (ask your friend Jin for one, he can get you one)

Things I recommend you to bring:

- Writing tools (your bosses will ask for things out of the blue, you must be prepared)

- Paper (to write on)

- Blanket (you are probably going to have to work overnight too)

- Couch (just in case you want to sleep at the building)

- Decorations to fill up space in your office; you are allowed to customize it any way you want! :)


- NEVER go in the boss's office without either one of their consent.

- Bosses orders are a MUST.

- follow bosses' orders; if not, you will get fired immediately.

Page 1

Mr. Jeon's likings

- Coffee at 7 am sharp; just black coffee

- will add more later, depends on if he trusts you.

Mr. Park's likings

- Coffee at 7 am sharp; iced coffee (black)

- will add more, depends on if he trusts you

Page 2

Will add more, depends on if he trusts you. Well, I sure hope both of them don't trust me, cause I'm going to have a hard time arranging all the things I need to do. Two bosses, two different companies. That's a lot to handle.

I set up my workplace and moved around the furniture to my liking. Jin brought me a computer out of the blue a few minutes later; apparently, Park told him to get one for me. I'm grateful he did, cause if he didn't, I probably would've never asked him for a computer. I would be too shy even to ask him.

After I re-arranged everything, so I feel comfortable in my office once again, I head to the bus stop to go to Jinnie and Namjoon's house to sleep over. I didn't want to meet dad today, not after what he did.

But to be honest, I didn't want to meet Jinnie's boyfriend either. Meeting people face to face, primarily men, can be terrifying. Moreover, this will be the first time I meet Jinnie's boyfriend, and I don't want to give him a bad impression. The most I can do when facing people face to face is stutter and look down. As a social reject, I have learned that those types of actions will not leave a remarkable impression, but rather an image on the bad side.

I sigh as I sit down, waiting for the bus to come. I look at my phone.


What a long day. From interviews to meeting the people who traumatized you, to getting a job, to getting sexually assaulted. I chuckle. I seriously went through it all, haven't I.

I sigh again, my eyes drowsy this time. I was so tired I couldn't think properly. The next bus is coming in 20 minutes, and I have nothing to do.

I guess taking a quick nap might be the best way to waste some time.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter :) it means a lot <33

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Goals: 2.2k views, 110 votes, 30 comments

Reminder: You are a fantastic person; please don't think you're not. If you feel like no one loves you, remind yourself that I do. I'm cheering you on! Please take care of yourselves with much love :))


- lunachiiii 📸📽🎞

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