22. An old romance

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We are in our way to pick up my brother. There is silent inside of the car. No a single word from my mouth while Oliver is driving my car.
I look out the window just to not look at him back, I know he is looking at me, I can feel his eyes on me. Even if I have clothes on his eyes undress me, I feel naked.
He stops the car in front of the building where my brother is staying at. I pretend to use my phone while we are waiting but he takes it away from my hands.
-Hey!! That's my phone- I say
-I need to ask you something- Oliver says
-What is it?- I ask
-How did you and Christopher broke up?- Oliver asks
-We didn't...- I say
-Then?- Oliver asks
-He left without saying goodbye- I say
-Do you think you still love him?- Oliver asks
-I don't know... What I know is that I won't forgive him for that and if he is working with Daniel he will have to explain himself- I say
-Miss me- Nick says
I didn't see him coming near the car.
-Is Sarah coming?- Oliver asks as he rolls down the car window
-Yeah but you know how women are, they need five hours to get ready- Nick says
-If you say another word about women I'll break your bones, we have more trouble than you men do, so don't judge when we want to look beautiful...- I say
-Chill out sister... Or I will tickle you like in the old days- Nick says
-Ready!!- Sarah says as she approaches to us
-Get inside, it's already 10:30 and if he still do his old ways, he wakes up at 11- I say
I look the address in the GPS and it takes us there.
The house is really nice, it has a gorgeous garden and a rock path, which leads to the door and goes through the garden without harming it.
Everyone else gets out of the car and hides behind the bushes . I used the path to reach the house and after around one minute I knock the door.
I cant believe what I'm doing, what will happen when I see him again, so many years, and I still don't know what I feel for him... Is it hate? Am I still hurt? Do I still love him? Well now it's the time to find out...
The door opens and I stop breathing. He stands right in front of me. He doesn't have a shirt on, at least he has pants.
-American Gothic?- Christopher seems confused
-It's me- I say
-You changed your hair, your clothes, it is really you?- Christopher asks
-Can I come in?- I ask
-Sure- Christopher and opens the door wider
The inside of the house looks really nice from my teenage point of view, big enough to do an epic party.
-Do you like it?- Christopher asks
-Yeah, it remembers me to old time, you haven't seen my favorite room of the house- Christopher says
He asks me to follow him and that's what I do. We go through a hallway which leads to a wide door. It has a door keypad lock...
I am not scared of what could be inside, I am suspicious that he is giving me all this trust in so short time. He doesn't know how much I could have change and last thing I knew he is very smart.
He lets me inside first and he closes the door behind him. The room is full with the latest technology.
-I hope you still like all this stuff, I can't live without a computer- Christopher says
-Why did you left me?- I turn around and ask him
-Left you?, I didn't, I was arrested for having illegal weapons in my house- Christopher says
-Why didn't you call I just found that out?- I ask
-I did call you, you never answer, I sent you messages, and you never answer- Christopher says
-I never receive any of those messages or calls- I say
-Your dad must have do something, he must intercept the calls and messages- Christopher says
-My dad left my mother when I was little, he wasn't there- I say
-You still don't remember don't you?- Christopher asks
-Some of my memories are like a blurt but I don't remember anything about my dad- I say
-Do you remember what happen to you?- Christopher asks
-Yes, some of it, the worst parts I think- I say
-Fel your dad was there, he came supposedly for you, but then you found out what he was doing and you fought against him- Christopher says
-What?- I ask
-Don't you remember how to use the knife?- Christopher asks
-No, I only use the knife in the kitchen, but not to hurt anyone- I say
-Those moments still lost in your memory... The nurse said it would take time but I never thought that much time...we worked together against your dad, that's why he hated me and that is why he sent me to jail and took you away from me- Christopher says
I couldn't take more and run from that place. Christopher runs after me and say something That I am too lost in my own thoughts to hear. The last thing I remember is a car coming to me, I don't move but close my eyes.

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