34. New Arrivings

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-Alexander told me Daniel is close- I say
-Can we talk about this tomorrow, I'm really tired- Oliver says
-Of course...- I couldn't finish because I started feeling dizzy again
Oliver holds me so I won't fall.
-Felicity are you okay?- Oliver asks
-Yeah, it just happens sometimes- I say
-You need to go to the hospital, if it happened more than one time something is going on- Oliver says
-I'm just really tired- I say and I finally could stand by myself
-No let's go now, I'm taking you- Oliver says and I couldn't deny it
In the hospital they made blood test and they will give me the results in an hour. Waiting for it we decided to walk around the hospital for a while.
-Now that you are rich again don't you want your company back?- I ask
-You don't seem very thrill with the idea of being the co-owner anymore- Oliver says
-You're right I don't, everything just change so quickly, I used to be IT girl, just wishing that someday I will find the right guy, have kids and be a better mother that my mother was, and I love my job, I didn't sign up for co-owner or heroine, but I recall that I wanted excitement and adventure in my life, guess I got them- I say
-I thought you already had the perfect guy... Chris I mean- Oliver says
-He is, it's just my life is too complicated right now- I say
-I promise it's going to get better and when everything is over you should go to another city away from all this- Oliver says

I will die inside if she leaves, but I prefer her to be away from all of this, even if she didn't choose me to spend her life with. I remember when I used to go out every night with a different woman, but now only one is in my mind and if I had another chance to go back, I'll choose this feeling over again.
-Away?- She asks
-Felicity, you need to start from zero and make your dreams come true, you're not getting that in here, to start something new, you need to move on first- I say
-What about you?- She asks
-Don't worry about me, if you are happy I'm happy, I want you to have everything you ever wanted even if those things doesn't include me- I say
-You know since the moment I saw you I had a crush on you, I first thought it was just a crush but then I started to know you and found out how amazing you were and then I knew I was falling for you, and I thought you would never look at me in a different way- She says
-Same thing happened to me Felicity, I didn't say anything before because I always mess things up and I couldn't bare the fact of losing you, I preferred to have you as a friend and see you everyday than being with you and lose you like I did- I say
-You didn't lose me Oliver, I came to Starling City to stay and I'm not leaving- She says
-Let's look for the results, and we can talk about this later- I say

We come back to the hospital and I take in my hands the results. At first I wasn't sure about opening the results, but Oliver insisted.
I open the envelope and look at the results, my eyes widen when I see the reason why all nauseas and dizziness. Oliver looks at me waiting for an answer, but I don't have any idea how to tell him.
-Something wrong? What does it says?- Oliver tries to reach for the paper but I pull it away from him
I can't talk or even react to the news...
-What is it Felicity?... Felicity talk to me, if you don't tell...- Oliver looks worry this time
-It's nothing, I'm fine, we worried for no reason- I say
As soon as he tries to reach for the paper, in a moment of desperation I destroy the paper with the shredder.
-Felicity, you're acting like a child...- Oliver says
-Please don't say that word- I say and cover my ears
-What word?- Oliver looks confused
-I have to go home... I'll call you- I say and run out the hospital. I get inside a taxi and it drives me to my apartment. I rush inside my apartment after I paid the driver and find my mother and a guy with not so much clothes on.
-Mom!!- I yell
They both started covering themselves.
-I'm sorry, I thought you weren't coming- My mom says
-I never seating in that couch again- I say
They kiss each other goodbye and she called him Mark as he leaves.
-I didn't know you were coming this early- She says
-Mom, it's like two in the morning- I say
-Exactly... Well did you guys find Chris?- She asks
-Yeah, now he is at his house- I say
-And what the hell are you doing here?- She asks
Apparently, she is okay with the guy if he doesn't live with his mother and gives you sex
-It's not the right time or ever... That was the plan, but...- I can't finish
-But what?- She asks
-I was feeling kind of dizzy.. So Oliver took me to the hospital for a blood test...- I say but she cuts me off
-Oh yes, he is such a gentleman...continue- She says
-Well the results says.. Well said because I turned the paper into little pieces, so Oliver wouldn't see it, which I don't know it was right because he deserves to know, but I freaked out...- I start babbling
-Felicity stop babbling and tell me already- She says
-Okay fine, I'm... I'm pregnant and Oliver is the father- I say
-Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I'm going to be a grandma already, I love babies!!!- She yells breaking my ears
-Mom, can you scream any louder?- I ask
-But wait, who's the father, because you were dating Ray, but you still were seeing Oliver and recently you found Chris... I can't believe my daughter finally became a heartbreaker- She says
-Oliver's I haven't been with anyone else, with Ray never went that far and we just found Chris- I say
We hear a knock at the door follow by Oliver's voice.
-So now what are you going to do?- She asks

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