6. Back where we started

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The light through my window makes me wake up, but I'm not willing to get up just yet. I want to be in this bed with Oliver forever. No problems, no bad guys to catch, no work. He's still asleep, I can't stop looking at him, he's just perfect. But all the perfect moments can be ruined sometimes. My brother enters my room, but before he makes any sound I tell him to leave, he understands when he sees Oliver next to me. I stand up to take a bath but I'm stop by his hand.
-Where you think you're going?- Oliver asks
-To the bathroom- I smile
-Without me no way- Oliver says
He stands up after me and follows me to the bathroom. As I filling the bathtub with water Oliver looks at my naked body.
-What?- I ask
-I want it to give you the surprise later but I guess I can wait, you know the trip we have to do to Canada?- Oliver asks
- Yeah, it's in Toronto to be exact- I say
-Well, I reserve two hotel rooms, one for Roy and the other one for you and me, I didn't want to tell you because you will be freak after we became just friends and I didn't want you to change the reservation- Oliver says
- Oh you wanted to trick me so I sleep with you, classy playboy, but the only thing you would have get out of that plan is a slap on your face- I playfully threaten him
-I don't think so you pretty much wanted to- Oliver says
-Don't push it- I say
-All right, but now we are together...- Oliver says getting closer to me
-What?- I ask
-The reservation still on right, I mean after last night I won't be able to be in another bedroom, it needs to be yours or I promise you it will drive me crazy- Oliver says
Oliver tries to kiss me but I jerk away to play with him.
-The bathtub is ready- I smile knowing what I just did
- Did you just jerk away?- Oliver smirks
- Yes because the only boyfriend I have right now is the bathtub- I laugh
I get inside the bathtub, look at him and bite my lips. He smirks at me but don't make a move.
-Hey aren't you coming I mean we can make a threesome- I smile
He comes into the water. The water is already hot but his body close to mine make the temperature even hotter. I shake every time he is next to me, I lose the control and I paralyze. Looking into his deep and beautiful eyes where I get lost for time to time. He holds my leg and starts kissing my ankle, my legs are shaking. He gets even closer to me I can his hot breath on my neck right before he gently suck it. I know later it's going to be a hickey but right now I only care about how good he makes me feel. I stop him making him the one seated and me on top of him. I let him get inside of me again. I was desperate to have him inside of me again.
In the other side of the door...
-Guys I need to use the bathroom- Nick says
It is clearly Nick has ruined the moment. We put our towels on and open the door.
-You're so annoying- I say to my brother
- Don't worry I'm just want to take a bath and I'm out of here, you're no the only one who got some last night- Nick says
-Shut up- I say
-Oliver- Nick says still looking at me
-What?- Oliver asks
-I don't judge anymore for their past, present or what they want to be in the future, but if you hurt my sister just one time, you're going to regret it- Nick threaten
-Nick, stop it -I say
-It's okay Felicity, I understand, I have a little sister I know what you mean- Oliver says
-I'm glad to hear that- Nick says and enters the bathroom
Oliver goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. While I look for my iPhone to text Ray I'm not going today. I plan to stay all day with Oliver. My phone is next to his in on the nightstand. I take mine and text Ray, he answers me saying that's okay. I put my phone back next to his when his phone starts ringing, it's Laurel. I don't know what to do, if I answer or give it to him, he'll probably leave to see her like always, but if I don't and he finds out he will be mad at me. The phone stops ringing and she leaves a message. I could see a part of it in the screen but I have to unlock the phone to know how it ends. The curiosity is killing me I need to hack it. I finally read the message, now I wish I never had.
Hey babe, I missed you last night. I thought you were coming like two days ago. Come to my house tonight or you going to miss out. I love you 💋And a picture of her in her short pajamas ✳️
My eyes start watering, I can believe what I'm reading. I know he is a playboy but I had this stupid illusion that he was going to change. I'm broken but I have a lot of anger right now. I'm angry at myself for the fact I thought I was different to him.
I wipe all my tears and act normal, when I am about to leave the bedroom, I get a text from Barry. With all of this I have forgotten I have to help Barry get the girl he likes today.
I find my way out to the kitchen. Oliver is setting up the table.
-Hey breakfast is ready, come seat down- Oliver says
-I can't I'm already late- I say
-For what I thought you take this day off- Oliver says
- Yeah I know, I just.. I forgot Barry is waiting for me in
Central City- I say holding my tears
- Barry uh, can you just go tomorrow?- Oliver says with jealousy
I don't know why he doesn't have the right anymore to be jealous of any guy around me.
-No, I promised him I will go today, he's counting on me- I blink a few times to hold the tears about to fall
- Felicity are you okay?- Oliver asks
-Yeah, why?- I ask
- Not you're not, those eyes are about to cry, what happened?- Oliver asks and gets closer to me
-Nothing, I have to go- I say running to my room
I cannot hold this tears anymore, they're falling and there's no way to stop it. Oliver goes after me.
- Felicity, talk to me, what's the matter?- Oliver asks again
-You are, you keep making me feel things and then you go and sleep with Laurel who was waiting for you last night and yes I hacked your phone and I read her text and yes and jealous because I love you but I can't be sure you feel the sam...-I say until I couldn't breathe no more
-Felicity calm down- Oliver gets close to me and hold my face between his hands
-No I want you out- I say
I know I will regret about this later but I can't take the chance of falling for all his lies.
- No, I'm not leaving until you listen to me- Oliver says
-Fine then I go- I say walking to the door
-I don't think you getting somewhere with your towel- Oliver laughs and I look him with threatened eyes
-Okay I'm sorry it's not funny, come here- Oliver says
-No I can't believe you haven't explain to me why you sleeping with Laurel and me at the same time- I say
-Laurel was just one night, I just went to her house to know how she was doing and it just happened- Oliver says
- So what happened here just happened too?- I ask
- No I came wanting us to happen because I'm done trying to push you away to protect you, Sarah made me realize I can be with you and protect you at the same time and I don't want to lose you- Oliver says
-I don't want to hear about it anymore I want you out of my apartment now, at the lair I don't want to hear Oliver talking, I only want to hear the Arrow- I say
-Felicity- Oliver
-Out I want you out- I say pointing at the door
He goes to my bedroom and changes. He comes out and walks straight to the door but before he goes...
-I'm not giving up on us- Oliver says
I close the door behind him and slowly fall to the floor. I cry in silence so he can't hear me. The only thing that could make me forget about Oliver for a little while is work.
I take the first shirt and jeans I see. I wrap my hair in a bun, put my glasses on and take my things. I don't feel like driving today so I go directly to the train. I look outside the window all the ride to work.
I finally get to Queen Consolidated, I take the elevator and go to my office. I seat in my chair and start reading some papers Ray left in my desk. Ray walks in and looks at me
-You look like crap- Ray says
-I don't just look like crap I feel like crap- I say
-Felicity I need you to dress like a girl and put some makeup on- Ray says
-Excuse me I'm dress like a girl and I don't need makeup I'm a natural beauty- I say
-I'm going to a business dinner right now and you are my date- Ray says
-What? Since when we date?- I ask
-Since when we run this company, look we need money to take out this company from the hole that it's in, this couple want to help us but they are not sure we need to persuade them to do so, the thing is the one who runs their family's company is her- Ray says
-So you want me to be there to show her you believe a woman can run a company and you are okay with it- I say
-Yes and also that I'm okay with the fact that I give my girlfriend all access to my money which mean I don't have anything to hide, you know how picky husbands gets with their money- Ray says looking at the information in the computer
-Whoa I went from co-worker to girlfriend and then from girlfriend to wife- I sarcastically say
-No just girlfriend but it doesn't sound bad Felicity Palmer, now let's go- Ray says heading to the door
It doesn't sound bad it sounds awful. Of course I am making weird faces while thinking about it in my mind, faces Ray can't understand.
-Are you coming?- Ray asks
-No, I mean yes, I mean coming- I say
What's wrong with me? I call Barry, I tell him I am sick and he believed by my voice I haven't realize that it's really raspy. But we make plans for next week after the trip to Canada.
Ray takes me to the mall to buy new clothes, I really don't how much more he is going to spend on me I hope I don't send me the check later.
After trying a lot of dresses he finally likes one. Then he takes me to the beauty salon for an actual hairstyle.
The dinner finally arrives. The couple is already waiting for us in the table. From far away the woman looks like she comes actually from a wealthy family you don't even have to ask. I feel so intimidated right now she's like a goddess and I am Felicity Smoak. We seat in the table and present ourselves.
-I'm Ray Palmer finally we meet in person, she's my girlfriend...-Ray says
-Felicity Smoak nice to meet you I'm also his co-worker at Queen Consolidated- I say
-I'm Lorena Bradshaw, my husband Clark Bradshaw- Lorena says
-So let's order- Ray says and wave the waiter
-I think I have see you somewhere else are you Oliver Queen's girlfriend I mean ex- girlfriend, the guy from the island- Lorena says
-Yes I mean no, I mean he was I the island but I'm not and I wasn't his girlfriend, we are just friends besides he was my boss, it would have been unprofessional- I say
-Of course, well it just everyday talked about it how you always were together and the looks you gave at each other, people even thought he was finally settle down because you were the one- Lorena says
-Just friends, besides my boyfriend here is the best in so in love with him- I say
- Oh talking about the devil- Lorena says looking at the restaurant entrance
We all look at her direction.
-Oliver!!- Ray and I say at the same time
He haven't see us yet, but I'm sure whatever it's coming it's not good.

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