30. Fighting Skills

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I call Diggle to come down for a moment, after a few minutes I hear his steps coming downstairs, it is a good thing that no one followed him.
-What's the matter?- Dig asks
-I need you to ask you for a favor, but no one, especially Oliver can't know about it- I say
-Now you're scaring me...- Dig says
-It's not that big of a deal but Oliver takes it like it is... I want you to train me, I want to be Spoiler again, I need to save Chris and take down Alexander for once and for all- I say
-Okay how many days do we have?- Dig says
-Like one day and half...- I say
-What?!- Dig asks
-I'm a fast learner and if you can we can start at midnight, when everyone goes home- I say
-Okay, I'll be here, but I'm coming with you, because no matter how much you about this, you still can do everything by yourself- Dig says
-Fine, I could use so help- I say
-Do you know where we going?- Dig asks
-The place is out of the city, you can wait outside while I come in, he is waiting for me, I just need you to get Chris out while I entertain them, then I'll do the rest- I say
-Are you sure about this?- Dig asks
-I need to talk to Alexander face to face, but I need to know Chris is safe, tell the police where is he, we need to get him this time- I say
-What are you two planning?- Oliver says
I don't notice he is there or when he came down..
-You're still going even if I told you it's not save... And you are helping her- Oliver says
-Oliver, I ask him to, it's not Diggle's fault- I say
-Diggle, I want to talk with Felicity on private- Oliver says
Diggle looks at me and then walks away, I stop hearing the sound of his steps as he walks upstairs.
-I know you don't want me to get hurt, but I got to do this, wouldn't you give your life for someone that you love?- I ask
-Felicity, I can't lose you, too- Oliver says
-You won't, if you want you can come with me but I'm going, Chris is very important to me- I say
-I'll teach you... But you won't do anything stupid trying to be heroic and then everything goes down- Oliver says
-Look who's talking- I say
-I'm serious Felicity, I'm not going to lose you- Oliver says
He teaches me everything I need to know, of course his body is close to mine most of the time. I can feel his heart beating while my back is touching his chest. He leaves me trapped in his arms for a while which I don't mind, I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I could say I am tired because of the training but the only reason I feeling hot right now, it's because he is close to me.... So close that almost burns.
The silence takes the room, I can hear his fast breathing, then he lets me go, faces me and asks me.
-Now that you know he didn't leave you... what do you want to do?- Oliver asks
I keep silence for a few seconds, I don't know what to answer
-You still love him do you?- Oliver asks
-Oliver... He was the most important thing in my life, my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first time, my first heartbreak, we made plans of moving together and get married, have kids, two actually, just so we wouldn't fight over them, and we promised to be better for them, and make a better place for them to live.... I'm so confused but I can't tell you I don't love him because it will be a lie, I'm so sorry- I say
-You can't do that to me, I love you Felicity- Oliver says
My heart shatters while he says those words, I feel the same way but I can't promise him a future when I love someone else at the same time.
-You have every right to hate me, I'm going to be upstairs- I say
I run upstairs wiping the tears from my eyes. It breaks my heart to see him like this.
The first person I recognize on the multitude is Diggle...
-What happened?- Diggle asks after seeing my red eyes from crying
-Go downstairs, he needs you- I say and keep walking
I ask for a taxi and go back home. I seat on my couch feeling miserable, I shouldn't have say anything.
A message from Ray appears on the screen, he asks if we could go to dinner tonight, I respond him with a text saying yes. I had to be clear about my feelings and for that I need to be alone. I only have two hours to change.
My brother and mother open the door with the key I gave to Nick.
-Hey, you left way too early, your boyfriend knows how to dance- Mom says
-Oliver danced with you? How's that possible?- I ask
After what happened I thought he wouldn't be in the mood to dance, but clearly I was wrong. I'm actually glad he could find something to distract him, I haven't find that thing yet.
-Her boyfriend is not Oliver, his name is Ray Palmer- Nick says
-The Ray Palmer!! How many billionaires do you know?- Mom asks
-Too many, I have to go to change, I have the worst date in two hours- I say
I stand up and walk toward my bedroom
-Why is it the worst?- Mom asks
She always wants to know everything
-Because I'm going to break up with Ray- I say
-Why?!!- She almost screams
-Finally, I never liked him- Nick says
-You don't like anyone I have dated- I say
-Like Chris for example, bad choice- Nick says
-I think I knew someone named Chris, but I don't remember his face- She says
-Maybe because you were to drunk to pay attention- I say
Her face expressions changes, I think I'm becoming a bitch.
-Sorry, I'm just don't know what to say to him, last time i talked to Oliver, it didn't go well- I say
-Of course, you can just tell someone in the face that you don't want to be with them anymore, but you have to do it- Nick says
-I have to change- I say
I walk to the bathroom and I take a bath.When I get out I walk to the closet I pick a dress and put it on.
Nick gives me the keys and as I drive I call Ray to give me the address, he sounds mysterious, I hope it's not a proposal or anything because then I have really bad news for him. Or maybe a special night means sex, which hasn't happen between us yet, probably he thinks it's time. I feel something on my stomach and they are not butterflies, I feel sick, I don't think I will be able to eat. "Why am I worrying to much?"I think to myself....
-Let's just rip it like a band-aid, like... Hey Ray, I think this is not working anymore, someone from my past came back, I realized that I want to be with him, great food by the way.... We can still be friends, I mean we still have to work together what do you think?- I keep talking to myself all ride along
When I get there, I can see the place looks really charming and it seems it's reserved for only the two of us. It doesn't matter how beautiful the place looks, still looks like hell entrance.

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