5. I haven't forgot you

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Oliver's POV
-Oliver you need to calm down- Diggle says

-I can't stand that guy, first my company now Felicity- I say

-Are you and Laurel back together?-Diggle asks

-No, kinda of, I mean slept with her once and now she thinks we are together on top of it I save her so now she's sure- I say

-Oliver, you have to resolve any confusion with Laurel before asking anything to Felicity- Diggle says

-I know, should I go now to talk to her?- I ask

-Yes, that would be the right thing to do, apologize- Diggle says

I leave the lair and go straight to my car. I start the car and drive all the way to Felicity's apartment.

Felicity's POV
I go to a cafe and connect my computer to wifi. I connect to Skype and call Barry. I heard he is out of the coma and he has develop some abilities. Besides I need a friend to talk to that doesn't have to do with Oliver. I can't talk to Diggle about it because he also Oliver's friend. Barry is online and The first thing he does is smile, he's s cute when he's awkward.
-Hey, I heard you are the fastest man alive- I say

-Did Oliver tell you?- Barry asks

-No, I kinda over heard it- I say

A girl pops up in the screen saying hi. She tells Barry she's leaving to work.
-Who's that?- I ask

-Iris West- Barry says

-Gorgeous girlfriend- I say

-No she's not I wish but no, she's just my best friend- Barry says

- But maybe if you ask her out she'll change her mind- I say

-She has a boyfriend, besides I know she'll look me in a different way- Barry say

-I got an idea, what about if we pretend we are dating, so she gets jealous, every time she wants to talk to you you'll say you can't because you have plans with me, when she realizes she is losing you, she would be all over you- I say

-I don't know Felicity, I'm not good at lying- Barry says

-Okay, you're a superhero and nobody knows it's you, you pretend, is this girl important to you or not?- I ask

-Of course she is I had love since when we were kids- Barry says

-Then let's do it- I say

-Okay fine, when are you coming to Central City?- Barry asks

-Tomorrow, but you act surprised like you didn't know I was going- I say

-Are you sure this's going to word?- Barry asks again

-Yes, don't worry- I say

-See you tomorrow- Barry says

-Bye Allen- I say and turn off the laptop

I rush to my car and start it to go to my apartment, if I am leaving tomorrow I have to discuss some things with my brother and maybe pack some clothes, maybe I have to stay more than a day. I enter my apartment and my brother is not at home. I seat in my couch and let out a deep breath. I can believe Oliver is so mad about this, he knew I needed the job, why can he be happy for me?
Someone knocks at the door, at first I thought it could be my brother but he has the key. I open the door and I couldn't believe who is standing in front of me. Oliver doesn't say a word, he walks in and seats down.
-Yeah come in, seat wherever you want, it's okay you don't need to ask for permission, the house is yours- I say

-I'm sorry- Oliver says looking at the TV

-You are doing it again, but now you're apologizing to a TV- I say

He looks at me this time. He doesn't anything else, which I hate because I don't know what to do. He gets close to me and kiss me. One of his hands goes down to my hips and puts me closer to him. He holds me as tide as he can like he's scared to let me go. We walk to the bedroom and we fall in the bed.

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