36. Right Choices Bad Timing

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-This is Daniel, are you sure?- I ask
-Yeah don't you remember him?- Chris asks
-Now everything makes sense, he trusted me too much at first and I thought he was crazy, but he actually knew me from before, and the relationship with Alexander, and when I told him I was leaving him for you, he told me he waited for me for a long time and I chose you over him again- I say
-Wait, you dated the guy... It looks like he got what he wanted after all- Chris says
-Chris, he was there all along and I didn't even realize it... But Lorena acted like she didn't like Ray, but if she is working with Alexander, she must know about Daniel being Ray, so it was a set up- I say
-So you wouldn't make any kind of connections, and if she saved the company is because they are using it in their illegal business... I need to tell Oliver, now he can take his company back... He is in the hospital- I say
-I'll drive- Chris says
We drive to the hospital and find Oliver sitting on a chair in front of the reception.
-Oliver, we have to talk about Daniel- I run toward him and tell him after I seat next to him and Chris next to me
-You came together, so you could-----all over my face how happy you are- Oliver acts sarcastic
-Of course not, I came to tell you about Daniel, Daniel is Ray, that explained all his trust and all "his love" because he was obsessed with me back then- I say
-Great that you have so many guys that love you- Oliver sarcastically says
-Oliver, I don't have time for sarcasm, we need to do something besides he called me- I say
-I don't have time for this Felicity, Laurel fell from the stairs and needs me, and she actually cares about me, that's why when she gets out of hair, we are getting married- Oliver says and stands up
I feel like I just break into little pieces. But I try to hide it.
-Well, have a great wedding, I hope you'll be as happy as Chris and I- I say
-We are together?- Chris asks confused
-Yes Chris, we are even going to live together- I say
-We are?- Chris asks, still confused
I step on his feet and after he makes a sound he agrees.
-Isn't it funny that we both ended with out childhood love?- I ask
I smile trying to hide the emptiness I feel in my chest.
-Yeah, now everyone is with the one we are supposed to be- Oliver says and walks away
When I see him no more, I let all my tears come out. I let sounds of desperation and pain come out with holding anything back. I put my hand in my belly and Chris holds me to comfort me.
-Tell him about the baby, he could change his mind- Chris says
I wipe the tears from my sisters and stop crying, even if I wanted to keep going.
-Let's go I lost my time coming here- I say, stand up and start walking
-What about the baby? He still deserves to know- Chris says and follows me to the way out of the hospital. I keep walking without saying a word. I take a deep breath before going to the car. Then I come back to Chris for the keys of my car, this time I am driving.
-Wait are you sure you can drive?- Chris asks as I take the keys away from him
-Chris, I'm going back home, you have to options, either come with me or stay here, I'll take you home if you come with me, if not you can find yourself a cab but I'm driving- I say and open the car door
-Okay, fine I'm coming with you- Chris says and jumps in the passenger door
The way to Chris's house is fill with silence. But still I feel his eyes on me, then to the rode and then back at me again. He has that look, like he is about to say something but he's afraid I won't like it. That is one of the reasons I wanted to be with him, I know his every move and he knows mines. My mom is right I didn't stop loving him I stopped being in love with him. He is still the one who was there when I needed him the most. That when I felt like crap, like I wasn't worth it, he was there to tell me I was wrong. And when I felt like nobody loved me, he told me he did. We made plans for the future, none of us had no one else, and we made a pretty good team, perhaps we still do.
-Spill it!- I say without looking at him
-What?- Chris asks
-I know you want to tell me something spill it- I say
-I personally think that Oliver should know, of course that doesn't guarantee that he will be with you, but he is still the father, now if he doesn't want to, that baby still needs a father, I'll be more than happy that be there for him- Chris says
-Thanks Chris, but it's not your responsibility, it's just mine, and I haven't decide if I want to tell him or not- I say
We arrive to his house and he kisses me on the cheek goodbye. After he gets inside, I keep driving to my apartment. My mom is waiting for me when I open the door
-So tell me, what happened? Did you tell him? How he reacted? Are you guys back together?- My mom starts making many questions at one
-I'm going to start from the last one to the first one, we are not back together, he didn't react because I didn't tell him and I went to the hospital with that intention, until he told me in my face he is marrying Laurel and then left.... Btw Daniel is Ray- I take a deep breath before keep walking to my bedroom
My mom stays in shock for a few minutes before reacting of what I told her and then follows me to the bedroom.
-Now why are you going to do?- She asks
-I don't know mom, right now I just want to sleep- I say and throw myself to bed
-It's the middle of the day, oh, I know, when you're pregnant you feel more tired than usual- She says
-I know what I'm going to do right now..- I get up and get my laptop
-Felicity, you're not looking for an adoptive father in the Internet are you?- She asks
-Of course not mom, I'm buying Queen Consolidated- I say

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