26. Pretty Dark Past Pt.4

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-Evan what the hell- I say
Evan is one of my mom's boyfriend, with the difference she has being with him longer than with the other guys like for a year.
-Finally you come home... I don't like you sleeping in that guy's house- Evan says
-Just leave me alone- I say walking past him
-Hey, I'm talking to you- Evan yells and grabs me by the arm
I jerk away...
-Don't touch me- I yell back
-You can't to me like that,come here- Evan says and grabs my arm again
But this time I couldn't jerk away this time, every time I try he holds me harder, enough to hurt me. I start hitting him and he leaves my arm but wraps his around me and press me hard against him. I start screaming and he covers my mouth.
I feel powerless, not able to scream, to get away from him. I can't even breathe with his hand in my face. He press his mouth against mine and I bite his lip for him to stop.
-Bitch- He yells and slaps me making fall to the floor
He sits on top of me and I do every possible thing to stop him but I can't, it is pointless to fight against him. He rips off my shirt and I scream hoping that maybe someone could hear me.
I scream, cry and beg him to stop but it is pointless he doesn't stop. His disgusting mouth travels over my body and I move trying to escape but he hold me harder.
-I always wanted you, since the first day I saw you, you are so... Delicious and every time you rejected me it just made me wanting you more...Evan says
-Stop, please,Evan, please just stop- I scream
-Stop? No you ask for this, and I want to remember me forever, now you are going to find out what a real man is, no that guy who says he is your boyfriend- Evan says and rips my pants, too
I scream louder with all the disgust and pain that I had never felt before. My body is tired of fighting and I just give up. I close my eyes and I don't remember anything else. After a while when he finally was done with me leaving me on the floor motionless and hurt.
-Don't you dare to tell anyone about this or I'll kill you, you hear me?-Evan says
I don't say anything, I don't have the force to even speak.
-Did you hear me?- He yells this time
But I don't answer, I don't care about anything else anymore.
After seeing that I don't answer him, he takes a glass bottle and breaks it in half, he puts it close to my neck, close enough I can feel it.
-I'm not taking that risk, besides no one cares about you anyways, your dad left you, you're mother, only goes to work, drinks and have sex with me, but she doesn't give a shit about you and that boyfriend of yours is going to leave when he finds out that you are just a piece of trash- He says
The door opens in the moment I felt the glass go deeper into my skin.
I can't see his face but I know it is a guy. He moves Evan away from me and fights with him for a while, then he finds a knife and stabs Evan.
He gets close to me and try to touch me but I jerk away. I can resist anyone touch right now. He has a hoodie on but his face is blurry.
-Who are you?- I ask with my last breath
-Daniel, I seat next to you in calculus until you move away- Daniel says
-Is he dead?- I ask
-I hope so, don't worry about him, we need to take you to a hospital or take a cold shower, can you stand up?- Daniel asks
-No- I say
-Then I need to carry you- Daniel say and tries to touch me
-Noo!!- I yell
I try to move by myself, but the room is spinning, my head hurt so as my body and then all I can see is black.
****************************I wake up, I still don't know where I am because of the strong light on my face. I try to move but my hands are tied up, so are my feet. Someone removes the light but he has the mask on.
-Felicity Smoak, I told you we will see each other again, but I never thought I will be in front of the real identity of Spoiler- Alexander says
-I don't even care anymore- I say
I feel tired...
-I know what happened to you was awful, but don't worry, the guy is already dead, I checked- Alexander says
-It's not like that's going to wash away how disgusted I feel- I say
-I know that's why you're here, I'll make you forget, after all I don't want you to mess up all my plans, you made lose a lot of money- Alexander says
-I knew there was something behind your kindness- I say
-Just as sarcastic as I am, you are definitely my daughter... I'm really sorry we won't be able to meet, you need to forget- Alexander says
I look around and I know what is going to happen. With electro shocks he could make me forget but he also could kill me in the process. I don't care either, I feel dead inside anyways.
I feel the electricity running through my veins. After so many times of repeating the same action my body becomes numb, I don't feel anything, except tiredness.He is looking at me as I close my eyes to let myself die.
****************************I hear a voice calling my name, but I can't recognize the voice, until he keeps talking and I realize it is Chris. I open my eyes and I look around. I'm not sure but I think I'm in a hospital room.
-Hey don't move, you need to recover- Chris says
-What happened?- I ask
I'm so confused, I thought I died.
-They call me saying you were in the hospital, they said you were delicate when you got here- Chris says
-I don't remember what happen- I say
-What's the last thing you remember?- Chris asks
-Yesterday, we were in school, and we decided to be in a exclusive relationship- I say
-Felicity... That was two years ago- Chris says
-No, we are on 2007, right?- I ask
-No, 2009- Chris says and shows me his phone
He is right but why I don't remember anything. In that moment the nurse calls Chris outside the room. I close my eyes trying to sleep a little.
Nightmares comes to my mind. Evan touching me and I tried to get away but he was stronger.
I wake up as fast as I can. Chris is by my side and asks me what was wrong.
-Evan!!!- I say
-Do you remember?- Chris asks
-No, the images are blurry, but I'm sure it was him, I was trying to get him off of me but I couldn't- I say
-Someone made an anonymous called to the hospital, telling the nurses you were raped, they examine you and the caller was right, luckily you're not pregnant or have any diseases, but you can still have emotional damage...-Chris says
I'm speechless....
- They didn't find proof but then I asked to check your nails, in a moment of desperation, you must have scratch him and they identified his DNA, when the police went to your house, he was already dead- Chris says
-But why I don't remember?-I ask
-I think you were somewhere before getting here and after the rape- Chris says
I hear Chris calling my name but then I heard Oliver's. I open my eyes to find Oliver, next to me. I am still in a hospital bed, but different place and Chris is not around. I was dreaming... Well more like remembering.
-God, I thought I lost you for one second, I was ready to die with you- Oliver says

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