You Talk Like Them

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The fates are the worst sitters you've ever had, for three hags that know everything they sure don't know how to entertain a child. All they wanna do is knit. "I'm bored."

"We know." They told you.

"I wanna play." You added.

"We know."

"I wanna go home." You whined.

"We know."

"I KNOW!" You shouted at them. "I KNOW YOU KNOW! I got it, I got the concept!"

"Well now." Hades said as he walked over. "Give the kid a little fire and she's just like me."

"We know!" The fates replied.

"WE KNOW!" Hades and you yelled together.

Horned King:

Your screams echoed all throughout the castle, the horned king and the creeper open your door to see you on the floor and your favorite toy ruined. As soon as you see the creeper you grab him by the neck like you've seen the horned king do many times. "This had better not be your fault!"

The creeper then heard something he's never heard before. The horned king laughing. Pouting you let go of the creeper before the horned king lifted you up. "My dear child, you have made me proud. I shall fix it and get you much more as well."

Dr. Facilier:

You were talking to some town kids telling them about the ghosts you were seeing.

"You're crazy, there's no such thing as ghosts." A boy a little older than you said.

Dr. Facilier heard and was about to teach that boy a lesson, but to his surprise you said:

"Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or deride! You're in my world now, not your world.
And I got friends on the other side."

"She's got friends on the other side!" The shadows said appearing in front of the kids making them all scream and run away.

Dr. Facilier then walked over clapping his hands. "Bravo my little one, I am so proud."


Simba and Nala were inviting you to play with them again, you knew they were going somewhere that will most likely get you in trouble.

"Come on, it's an elephant graveyard." Nala pushed.

"We're gonna go into a skull and see if its brains are still in there." Simba added.

A look of disgust crossed your face. "Forgive me for not leaping for joy."

"You two are going where?"

The three of you turned to see Mufasa and Scar standing before you. Mufasa glaring at Simba and Nala and Scar looking at you with such pride.


Iago was looking all over the palace for you, it was almost time for your daily tea party and he was hungry. He ended up finding you in the kitchen putting milk into a bowl. "Oh don't tell me you're gonna give that to that stupid furball."

Possessive Disney Villians x Child ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat