What You Hate Most And What You Love Most About Them

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You Love Most: His humor

Whether he's in a good mood or a bad mood, he never fails to make you laugh.

"I am gone for two minutes and you two idiots let a giant harpie fly around the one room I can relax in?!" Hades glares at the imps before shaking his fist at the annoying harpies. "Can it already you pesty coo coo clock! Isn't it bad enough you stole my worms?! I thought if I let you have one you leave me alone so I can focus all my attention on my kid but nope. Even that is too much to ask!! If you don't button that beak of yours I'll tear off your feathers and make Y/N a new feather pillow!"

The whole time you are watching amused at your dad goes on and on.

You Hate Most: He always acts like you're two.

"Why do I still have to sleep in the stupid crib?!" You snapped.

"It's not a crib." Hades said calmly. "It's just a bed that is extra safe so you don't roll off and bust open your little noggin."

"I don't roll off the bed." You insisted.

"Daddy knows best." Hades said as he snapped your pajamas on you since he hates it when you do things yourself. "You're just a baby, you don't know better."

"That can't be your answer for everything?!" You whined since you hear him say that at least a hundred times a day.

Hades then made cartons of strawberry and chocolate milk appear. "Which one do you want in your sippy cup?"

"DAD!" You quickly made sure your bedroom door was shut tight so no demons or wandering souls can hear him saying anything else embarrassing.

Horned King:

You Love Most: His entrances.

You always believed your father could do magic. Others cower in fear when the wind howls, swirls of color fill the room and lighting appears out of nowhere inside the castle. It's terrifying for everyone except you, you find it amazing. Since the horned king knows you love it so much he does it just about every time he's coming for you, giving you a show before he appears.

You Hate Most: He's always filling the place with dead bodies.

"Dad, this is so gross! Can't we at least bury them in the woods?" You asked.

"No Y/N, when I find the black cauldron I need all these warriors in one room." He told you.

"But they stink!" You complained.

"It's fine." He assured you.

"You don't have a nose!"

Dr. Facilier:

You Love Most: His dancing

You love watching your dad dance, he even dances with you sometimes making his friends sometimes appear and join too. He knows all kinds of advanced jazz moves that are fun to watch or he'll swing you around as you two laugh together.

You Hate Most: When his spells go wrong.

"Now Y/N, it's not so bad." Your dad said sweating as he looked through his books.

"I'M ORANGE!!" You screamed at him.

"Well if you would have just eaten your carrots as I told you I wouldn't have to try to do a spell that would help keep your blood sugar low." He snapped at you. "Don't think I didn't notice the missing cookies."

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