First Period

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(You're older in this chapter)


"HADES!!" Pain and Panic both screamed as they ran to him and started rambling. Usually, Hades wouldn't care but he heard them say your name and blood. Hades hurried to your room to see you were still in bed sleeping but there was blood all over your sheets.

Hades sighed in both annoyance and sadness before he went over to you with Pain and Panic watching from the door. Hades gently shook your shoulder waking you up before covering your mouth with his hand. "Ok sweetness, whatever you do don't scream." Hades said as he nodded down.

You followed his gaze and saw the blood making your eyes widen but you obeyed him and didn't scream.

"Now Y/N, I know it's terrifying but it's completely normal for a girl. Literally, every girl goes through it." Hades snapped his fingers and some clean clothes and a box of thick pads appeared. "Here, go shower and follow the instructions on the box, I'll take care of your bed."

Obeying him you quickly hurried to your restroom while Hades took care of your bed and noticed Pain and Panic staring at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Hades asked annoyed.

"Uh, how did you know all that?" Pain asked confused.

"I have three sisters dimwits." Hades replied while rolling his eyes.

Horned King:

"Father! Father!" You screamed making the horned king appear in your room. You were in so much pain and was covered with blood. "Father, am I dying?"

"No! I won't allow it! I'll get you to a doctor!" The horned king said.

"Um sir." One of the warriors that heard you scream stepped in. "There's no need for that, this is normal for women."

The horned king grabbed him by the throat. "You dare tell me this is normal?"

"Yes, it happens to every woman." The warrior stuttered from the kings terrifying face.

"WHY?!" The horned king demanded. "How do you know?"

"I have an older sister sire, this happens to her as well." The warrior explained. "I can go get what she needs and if a week she won't be bleeding anymore."

The horned king growled before letting him go. "You better be right about this or else."

A week went by and the warrior was right, but he did not enjoy the awkward puberty talk of the woman's body with you and the terrifying king.

Dr. Facilier:

"Please make the pain go away." You whined.

"I can only get you some pain killers." Facilier sighed.

"But you're a doctor."

"I'm not that kind of doctor." Facilier huffed.

"Can't you use your magic?"

"I refuse to use voodoo on you."


"Because it's dangerous, now be good for my shadow while I go to the market."

You looked up at the shadow when he was gone. "You can do that voodoo stuff right?"

The shadow shook his head making you groan in frustration and pain.


Scar would stay by your side all day and lick your head for comfort while you rest.


Jafar had to swallow his pride and do something he really didn't want to do. Ask Jasmine for help.

While Jasmine was helping you both Jafar and Iago were in the next room disgusted.

"That is so gross." Iago gagged. "Why are chicks so weird and gotta make everything so complicated?"

"My poor little Y/N." Jafar sighed. "It kills me to see her like this."

"Least we finally found a good use of the princess."

Captain Hook:

You're on a ship full of men, they of course didn't understand what was going on with you. Being Captain Hook's treasure you came first. He demanded his pirates kidnap the medicine woman from the tribe, the same way they captured Tiger Lily. She was a bit of a challenge since she was a big woman but they did it and brought her back to the ship.

"I demand you help her." Hook pushed as he pointed to you.

The medicine woman of course didn't want to help Captain Hook but she felt you did not need to suffer because of who you are with.

After she gave you the talk you felt somewhat better but the awkward part was telling Hook.

"What do you mean it's normal and will happen every month? You bleeding out of nowhere is NOT normal." Hook argued.

"Apparently it is." You shrugged unsure of what else to say.


Frollo actually smiled at you. "This is a good thing my dear."

"It is?" You asked him with tears in your eyes.

"Yes, it means that you are happy and have not given your body to sin. Tell me every time you get it."

"How do I stop the pain?" You asked him.

"Pray my dear, that's always the answer."


All of his men hate when you're on it because both of you are worse than usual. Instead of getting angry you get sad and sensitive.

"You look lovely tonight miss." One of the creeps said.

You widened your eyes. "Are you saying I don't look lovely every night?" You teared up as he stuttered trying to fix his mistake but it was too late. You were sad and Ratigan sees making him go full on angry rat.

You weren't the only one bleeding that night.


Lets face it, Gaston can be a real idiot. He hurried you to the doctor in town that day saying that you were dying. All the doctors facepalmed themselves and explained AGAIN. They told him about periods at your last doctor's appointments.

"My child is not the little dot people make at the end of a sentence." Gaston argued.


Maleficent's goblin minions all thought you and her switched bodies when you first got your period. You were in such a deadly mood and you growled at anyone that looked at you while Maleficent calmly stood at the side watching.

"Now darling." Maleficent said softly as you another goblin out a window. "How about a hot bath?"

"Bathing in me own blood?!" You gasped. "Are you mad woman?!"

Cruella De Vil:

Cruella of course understood. She's a human woman so of course she's had lots of experience with them. "Now just take two of these and I'll get you some ice cream." Cruella said as she gave you some pain killers and water.

"I don't want water, I want soda." You whined.

"You're going to get cravings darling but they won't help your cramps." Cruella told you calmly.

"I hate this! I hate being a girl!" You cried.

"Oh trust me dear, men have it worse." Cruella said before pointing out the window. "Just look at those two idiots."

You look in time to see Jasper fall over in pain when Horace accidentally steps on a rake making the handle go right in between the legs.


She's a sea witch, if she can turn you into a mermaid she can take care of any pain you're feeling.

Possessive Disney Villians x Child ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara