First Time Calling Them Mom/Dad

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"And over here we have the River Styx, over there are the stairs to my throne room, and my many cursed pools are over there. I also keep Ceberius near there. Um, you're housebroken right kid?" Hades asked.

You tilted your head but before you could say anything Hades held up his finger to you. "Hold that thought." He then went to the docks and stopped two souls from fighting. "Hey hey! Break it up! It's not like you two can kill each other!"

You giggled as you watched Hades but then two monster-like creatures stood in shock at the sight of you and you stared back.

"Pain, Panic." Hades greeted as he walked back over. "This is Y/N."

Seeing that they were friends with Hades you gave them a smile and waved. "Hi."

"She doesn't look very.." Panic started.

"Dead." Pain finished.

"She was abandoned at my temple." Hades explained. "Why don't you ask the boatman to show you his coins." When you were gone Hades grabbed the imps by the throat. "Something is wrong with me."

The imps sputtered from the strangling and coughed until Hades let them go.

"Why am I getting this stupid feeling in my chest?" Hades asked. "The kid was abandoned and mistreated and I care! Why would I care? I hate kids, I tried to kill my own nephew for crying out loud."

"Feeling in your chest?" Panic asked when he was done catching his breath.

Hades told the whole story about how you two met.

"Oh! I know this one!" Pain pulled out one of his and Panic's weekly magazines. "Page 23, unknown feeling in your chest means love."

"LOVE?!" Hades exploded. "First of all, EW! I'm not some pedophile like Zeus!"

"Well from what you told us maybe you like her because she's the first mortal ever who gave you something and didn't ask for something in return. You don't love her romantically, you love her as a person." Panic explained.

Hades thought about it and realized Panic was right.

You walked back over to him after talking to the boatman.

"What's that on her shoulder?" Pain asked.

Hades looked and saw you had a bruise. Curiously he rolled up your sleeves and noticed you had lots of bruises, some old and some fresh and they all looked like handprints. "Kid where did you get these?"

"My dad grabs me and pulls me when I'm not walking fast enough." You answered.

"Boys watch her, I'll be right back." Hades said before he disappeared then a loud explosion was heard.

''Want something to eat?" Pain asked you.

The imps get you on the kitchen table and gave you some fruit to eat until Hades came in and grabbed a bowl of worms before sitting with you. "This doesn't bother you does it kid?" Hades asked.

You shook your head no. "I ate a butterfly once, and a lot of ants. Dad never fed me enough."

Hades turned red but calmed down quickly not wanting to hurt you. "Kid, stop calling that lowlife your dad, he's not your dad. He might have made you but that would never make him your dad, that title needs to be earned, not given." Hades told you about his parents before he realized you were listening very carefully. "You know what kid, you're a very good listener." Hades patted your head then went to go get a refill on worms.

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