Jealous On Your Adoption Day

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(Since none of the villains know when your birthday is they celebrate your adoption day instead, also there will be murder)


Hades set up a bigger and better party than Zeus did for Hercules. He had the party in the underworld garden that was full of blue flowers, trees, and a flowing river with no souls. He invited all of Olympus and all of the underworld workers to see his child. It was hard to believe he found you at his temple one year ago and it was the best year of his life. When the Olympians came they all stopped and stared. They thought the Underworld was gloomy and miserable but the garden was a beautiful sight.

"Well, Hades.." Zeus was about to say but Hades cut him off without even looking at him.

"Gifts go over there, food is over there." Hades rushed away from his brother to stop you from climbing up one of the trees.

All of Olympus saw a new side of Hades. His attention was on you the entire time and you and him were both so happy. And Hades really did childproof the whole Underworld a little too much.

"Hades, I'm all for protecting children, but isn't this a bit much?" Hera asked.

"Didn't your husband leave his most powerful weapons right by your son before he could even sit up?" Hades asked raising his brow which also shut her up while he watched you running around having fun.

You got a small sword from Ares which Hades took right away and gave it to Pain and Panic who quickly bubble wrapped it and locked it in one of the many trunks Hades keeps things he thinks are way too dangerous for you. The only time Hades took his eyes off of you was when he went to go put away what was left of your cake so you could have some tomorrow. But when he came back he didn't see you anywhere, he headed to your room only to bump into Persephone.

"Steph, you seen my kid?" Hades asked.

"She was tired so I had her show me to her room where I tucked her in." Persephone answered.

Hades froze at that. He was the only one that can do that for you, you need him and no one else. This was to celebrate you and him finding each other one year ago. Hades took a deep breath before he gave Steph a smile. "Well to show my appreciation how about some wine? I quit drinking when I became Y/N's dad. It's all yours."

Steph has become more of a party girl as she got older since her mother smothered her and everyone knew she had a bit of a crush on Hades so she agreed.

What she didn't see was Hades pour the same potion he gave Hercules into her glass making sure every last drop was in it before he gave it to her. Steph started choking a little as she became mortal and once the potion took full effect Hades strangled her just like he does to the imps.

As he hears the bell that another soul has entered his kingdom Hades grinned and let her body drop before he set it on fire and walked out.

"Hades." Zeus walked up to him. "Have you seen Persephone?"

"No, she probably left before her mother could humiliate her again." Hades said. "You know where the exit is."

"Where are you going?" Zeus asked.

"To wake up my kid so I can put her to bed." Hades mumbled.

Horned King:

Your adoption day was just like another party in the castle except the horned king made it very clear no one was to get drunk on your special day.

The horned king sat on his throne with you on his lap as he sipped his wine and you ate the food he got you.

"Is this little celebration to your liking my child?" The horned king asked you.

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