When You're Hyper

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Hades actually enjoys when you're hyper. He finds it amusing to watch you run around the room rambling fast about random things. Sometimes he'll stop reading just to piece together what you said. If you start running too far out of the throne room he'll casually use his smoke arm to drag you back into the room.

"Mydaddysaysyouguysareidiots." You told the imps when they walked in.

The imps didn't catch that but Hades did making him chuckle amused.

"Shouldn't we stop this?" Panic asked him worried about your safety.

"Nah." Hades shrugged it off. "It's too entertaining and makes bedtime so much easier."

Horned King:

The warriors are always terrified when you're hyper. The Horned King punishes them for every little thing you do. If you trip it's all their fault, if you bump into something it's their fault, even if you say you don't feel good when you crash it's their fault. Today you were very hyper and running around the throne room either jumping on the tables or running through their legs. The warriors try very hard to keep anything sharp away from you which is almost impossible since they all have weapons and there are forks and knives on the tables. Once you were about to jump off the top of a table and one of them quickly caught you by the back of your shirt just as The Horned King appeared. Everyone except you froze in horror as their king narrowed his eyes at the warrior that was dangling you in the air and stretching your outfit.

Dr. Facilier:

When you're hyper and it's nice outside he lets you spend the day enjoying the town. He will hold your hand as you skip on the streets trying to jump over every crack. Facilier will usually walk you to the park where he relaxes on a bench and watch you tire yourself out and it makes him feel good when he feels like you're just a normal kid and he isn't some poor sinner. Not to mention he gets a lot of admired looks when he carries you home, makes more suckers trust him.


Scar thanks the great kings in the sky that you aren't as bad as Simba when you're hyper. Unlike his nephew, you don't wake him up if you wake up hyper but you stay in the den til he wakes up. When he finally wakes up and he sees you already up and playing he knows what kind of day it will be. Instead of carrying you he will let you run around yourself as long as you stay in his sight. Not to mention if you pounce on Zazu it's even more amusing.


Jafar actually hates it when you're hyper. You'll be jumping on furniture, talking a mile a minute, and worse of all Jasmin's father would encourage it. Jasmin isn't the playful type so Jafar just glares as that fool treats his child like a playmate. Of course he'll put on a fake grin when Sultan will turn to look at him.

"You're so good with children." Jafar would say through his teeth and grips his staff tightly.

"One scrapped knee and this can all be over." Iago told him which just earned him a bonk on the head.

Captain Hook:

"AH!" Hook screamed as he quickly caught you before you could jump off the ship, play on the plank, or crawl overboard.

The pirate crew however loves these moments cause they get a break from work so they can entertain you. They'll all be singing and dancing together and encourage you to join them which you do. If you tell Hook you had fun once you're done being hyper he'll even reward them.


Frollo has studied every childcare book he could get his hands on so when he read that it's normal for healthy children to be inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive at one time or another he didn't know how to handle it. Worse was when you had once of these moments during church. He felt like he was being judged when you were not sitting still next to him. He would sit you on his lap and give you whatever he could find to keep you occupied till it was over. He would only feel blessed you were well mannered enough to not cry out like some other children that were there.


Ratigan spoils you endlessly with whatever your heart desires, when he finds out that sugar rushes aren't real he will always allow you to have your most favorite sweets. He enjoys your hyper moments cause he sees you actually being a kid for once instead of a tough street mouse.

"Um boss, your kid is eating a full plate of cupcakes." One of his men said.

"I know, isn't it wonderful? Finally acting their age."


Gaston doesn't know you're hyper, he thinks you are just sharing his interests of working out with him. He got you your own set of weights, goes for a jog, or he'll hold out his hands out in front of you and let you punch them.

"You got a hyper one." Someone once told him.

"Hyper? What's that? This is my child and my workout buddy."


"How come your fire is green? Are those real horns or are you wearing a hat? Aren't you hot in that big big dress?" You would ask her question after question unable for her to answer any of them.

"Y/N dear, mommy has a headache, can we have some quiet time?" She'll ask you gently.

"Ok." You would run off giving her a break from the questions only for a loud crash to be heard a minute later.

"Y/N! Was that you or one of the idiots?"

"Me mom." You would answer.

"Are you hurt?"


"The one time I want those fools to mess up so I can roast something." Maleficent sighs.

Cruella De Vil:


"Your kid just hit us with a baseball bat!" Jasper told her.

"So what? It's playtime, grow up you fools, you're the dimwits that bought that bat."


When you're hyper Ursula wraps her tentacles around your waist and lets you try to escape. You'll be doing that til you tire yourself out making her grin at how easy it is to handle these moments. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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