The redcoats are coming

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New Year's Eve in Stars Hollow was a success indeed. As much as everyone would hate to admit, Taylor Doose nailed the occasion with a great marketing strategy. The man spreaded flyers on small towns nearby, bringing visitors from the local area to a secret event with Hep Alien as main attraction. The gig guaranteed Lane and Zack part of the money for the music school project. In return, the band delivered a kick ass performance, followed by fireworks to celebrate the beginning of 2017.

The night was so great that the whole town was still talking about it two days after. A reaction encouraged by a photo of Lane and the guys on the cover of Gazette's first issue of the year. Rory used her privileges as the editor to assure the band would make the headlines.

Now the journalist was one of the people holding a copy of the paper, mesmerized by the image of the local talent that looked like true rock stars. Thrilled for her friends, Rory spaced out for a while, ignoring the clothes spreaded all over her bed. She was supposed to be packing for the trip to Nantucket. They were leaving in two days. However no outfits were picked yet. The empty suitcase was a living proof of how badly she wanted to ditch the visit to her grandmother.

Lorelai wasn't ready to hit the road either. But at least she had an excuse. The inn has been really busy with the extra guests from the holidays and she only realized today there were no clean appropriate clothes for Emily Gilmore's standards. So she was upstairs, concentrated on doing laundry by the time the doorbell rang.

The sudden noise brought Rory back to the present time and place. They weren't expecting any visitors today, but showing up without notice was a trademark in Stars Hollow. The young Gilmore didn't want Lorelai to lose track of the laundry mission. So, she quickly got up from the messy bed and yelled on her way to the front door.

"I get it!"

The open door revealed a very familiar face. The young man was wearing his typical charming smile and his haute couture suit. Rory's heart skipped a beat, surprised to see him standing on the porch. Almost two months have passed since she sent an email to announce very important news and she expected an answer. Nonetheless, she didn't imagine he would deliver it in person.

He looked handsome as always and his presence obviously ignated many memories, good and bad, in Rory's mind. A confused mix of feelings stirring inside her. Overall she was and would always be glad to see him. Yet, it felt different since their last adventure. She was not adrift anymore or grasping desperately at him to escape her life.

Somewhere between the moment they said goodbye and she got in her own car back home, Rory stopped spiraling out of control. For the first time in years, she was able to have her feet on the ground. At that moment, she clicked her heels like Dorothy and left the fantasy of Oz behind. No matter how terrifying the real circumstances were in Kansas, or in this case, Connecticut. Rory was no longer afraid to face them.

"Logan," she finally spoke, after a short pause, taking everything in.

"Hey, Ace..." He replied in a calm tone and ducked his head. "I felt the situation probably demanded a face to face conversation."

"Yeah... Come on in."

Rory stepped aside so he could make his way to the living room.

"The house didn't change much... I think it was exactly like this when I visited 10 years ago", Logan said with amusement, looking around the place.

"Well, we upgraded to a flat screen TV," Rory jested in an effort to make small talk until they were ready to address the real issue that dragged Logan from London to her humble home in Stars Hollow. As she watched him awkwardly standing there , it was impossible to ignore how the powerful man contrasted with the modest decoration and furniture. It was not like this in the past, but much had changed. They both had.

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