What to Expect (and not expect) When You're Expecting

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"Are you happy now?" Rory gave Lorelai an exasperated look, after the door slammed behind them. "You got us kicked out of Lamaze class! Couldn't you keep the Orange is the New Black jokes to yourself?"

"How could I resist? That woman totally thought I was the Alex to your Piper. And don't act all mad on me now. You know it was funny. You were laughing the whole time. It's not my fault the woman didn't get the prison references because she is some kind of monk that doesn't watch TV in her free time."

"It took me a long time to find one instructor who wasn't a complete loony hippie, mom!"

"Which brings me to the point: why did you even enroll for this? You've already decided to have a C-section! Half the exercises we did are useless in that case."

"I know I won't need the breathing exercises to push the baby out and I certainly didn't want to discover how women may lose the control of their bowels during natural birth..." The young Gilmore shuddered and then continued. "But focusing on finishing the classes helps."

"Helps with what?"

"Getting my head out of things..." Rory sighed and her shoulders hunched, as she leaned on the door. "What if I don't connect with her, mom? What if Ellie and I turned out to be like you and grandma? Arguing and butting heads about everything!"

"Not possible. She won't be able to put up a fight in the beginning. Her communication skills will be basically limited to cooing and babbling until she is two years old. The strategy is to use that time to brainwash her to agree with you." Lorelai smirked, trying to keep things fun. After facing her daughter's annoyed expression, she decided to take the conversation more seriously. "Hon, my mother and I are just like England and Scotland. Our relationship was forged in an endless war over the power to decide how I should be living my life. There are tons of wrong words and resentment piled up over the years, which makes our interaction difficult even after we've ceased fire. You and Ellie don't have the same back story. So you two are going to be just fine."

"Ellie and I could be like Russia and Georgia." Rory jabbered. "Two countries that once formed an alliance, eventually got involved in a fight over territory and wound up rivals."

"God! All the geopolitical talk is giving me a headache."

Rory ignored her mother and blurted her deepest fear. "I can mess this up so badly... I have no problem hurting people to have things my way. Remember how you hated me when I dropped out of college and moved to the mansion?"

"Wait a minute. I never hated ya..." Lorelai tried to object, but Rory interrupted her.

"Maybe Ellie will end up hating me and choosing to live with Logan in England for good. Talk about bad karma, huh?!"

"Okay, hold on a sec..."

"I could be such a terrible mom that she prefers living close to Shira Huntzberger!" The young Gilmore moaned.

"I see someone has put a lot of thought into this..." Lorelai raised her brows. "But do you have any idea of how insane it sounds?"

"Okay," the girl rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Maybe I'm being a little over dramatic..."

"Oh, you don't say!" Lorelai teased.

"But... I just can't stop thinking that there'll be many situations to navigate with no clear answer, you know? And it's not only about co-sleeping or not... Everyday a bunch of questions pop into my head... I've come to realize there are a Iot of things beyond my control," Rory held her mother's gaze. "The one thing in my power right now is wether or not I'm going to ace Lamaze classes and receive a stupid piece of paper in the end saying I did it well."

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