Old friends and new fancies

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"Diapers. Check. Onesies. Check. Toys. Check. Pacifiers. Check. Extra bottle. Check..." Rory made sure everything was in order and beamed at the sparky baby lying on the bed. "I think you are ready to go, Ellie." She addressed the little human who was freneticaly kicking and waving her tiny arms.

If the young Gilmore hadn't read so many books about child development, she would swear the girl could understand everything and was excited to go out with daddy for the first time. Ellie was over three months old and the most delicated phase had passed, so it was about time to let father and daughter have some fun without a chaperone.

As Rory took the baby up and Ellie automatically rested on her chest, the new mommy contemplated how far they've come since that dreadful night at the drugstore. She never mentioned the episode to anyone, not even to Lorelai. The young Gilmore didn't want her mother to feel guilty for not being around. She knew it would make the woman doubt the decision to go ahead with the new inn project and it was time for Lorelai to stop putting life on hold.

The blueprint of the new inn had been ready since Ellie was born, but the construction didn't start sooner due to the changes in the family dynamic. Once Rory seemed more comfortable in mom shoes, there was nothing else in the way of The Dragonfly's expansion.

Whilst Lorelai was focusing on work, Rory has been handling things pretty well by herself. It took some time and practice, but she eventually picked up on motherhood 101. Then again, the new mommy has also been completely exhausted. No matter how good you get at parenting, a child is still very demanding and things are never easy - especially for a journalist who was trying to keep her job.

Rory knew she could redeem the vouchers that guaranteed many favors from Stars Hollow friendly citizens, but she didn't want to spend them all at once. It would be a long ride and baby-sitters would come in handy later on.

So, when the doorbell rang announcing Logan's arrival, the girl was filled with a mix of relief and anxiety. A day-off was everything the young Gilmore could think of. She took the bag that contained every possible baby item and rushed to the door with Ellie in her arms, not bothering to check herself on the mirror previously. Her hair and her outfit were a total mess, but the new mom didn't care. She could barely hold the excitement of having an entire day for herself.

Logan, unfortunately, wasn't prepared for the sloppy person at the door. "Whoa!" He failed to hide his shock. "Hey..."

"Hi..." Rory wrinkled her forehead. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," Logan winced, trying to come up with a good cover story. "I was just surprised you answered so fast."

"Right..." Rory observed him in suspicion for a moment and then continued. "So... Ellie is changed and ready to go. And here is everything you'll need for the day, including a schedule of her nap times. Please, follow it through." She went on about the instructions while mechanically handing the bag and the notes to the young Huntzberger. When she finished talking, her eyes got a glimpse of Logan's disconcerted expression. "Are you still with me?"

"Sure! This moment was way less overwhelming than the time you went on and on about Seymour Hersh's striking portrayal of Kennedy in The Dark Side of Camelot. At least, today you took some time to breathe between sentences."

"Logan, come on. We've already talked about this. One-on-one time is the best way to bond. You even said it was your chance to master the art of mixing the perfect bottle for this lovely young lady, remember?"

"I know! I meant what I said," he claimed and tilted his head charmingly. "But... It's Sunday morning, Ace. Why don't you join us? What are you going to do alone around here anyway?"

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