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My vision is blurry, but I can make out a familiar ceiling fan. I'm in Adonis' room, I shoot up and look around. I see Zero sitting at the end of the bed looking at a binder full of pokémon cards, typical. I look over at his desk and see Don biting his nails and tapping his foot apprehensively.

Adonis looks over at me.

"You're finally awake." he says getting up and sitting at the edge of my feet.

"How long was I out for?" I say scratching my head.

"A good 30 minutes, now do you mind telling me what the hell happened? Cause Zero wouldn't talk or eat, he just wanted to look at pokémon."

I look over at his desk and see my bloody jacket on the back of the chair. Don follows my eyes and says-

"Yes, that! What did, how did, THAT happen?" he says with a concerned look.

"Promise you won't hate me, or call the cops." I say bringing my knees to my chest. He scooches over and takes my hands.

"I would never call the cops on you and you know that."

I let out a big sigh and start blurting out everything that happened, once I started it was hard to stop. I say every minuet detail, he doesn't interrupt me not even once. He usually tells me to slow down or I'll have to restart but this time he just listened.

After telling him everything that happened up until I met up with him I had to catch my breath. He slowly stands up seeming lost and disoriented.

"You can't be here." he says slowly turning towards me.

"What? Don plea-" he interrupts me

"My moms going to be home soon and she can't see I'm housing a criminal." he says lungeing towards his closet and gets out two jackets.

He tosses my hoodie into an open drawer in his dresser then quickly grabs my hand and gestures for Zero to stay behind. We run down the stairs and out his back door into the nearby woods.

I never wanted to make him an accomplice in my criminal behavior but I don't think I have much of a choice now.

𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now