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   I let them argue it out that was until Dylan does what Dylan does best which is bringing up shit that had nothing to do with the fight just to prove her point.

"You want to leave me after I saved your ass from a trap house and damn near malnourishment? Go ahead but don't come crawling back to me when you fall flat on your ass again."

When those words came out her mouth I knew it was over for that bitch. I punch her straight in the nose and I was going to do more but Koa dragged me back.

"How dare you, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" She yells holding her red face.

"HOW DARE ME?! HOW DARE YOU, DYLAN! You always take shit too far just because your life is perfect doesn't mean you can shit on other people's!" I say struggling to get out of Koa's grasp.

Koa carries me back inside and up to my room. I pace around the room trying to calm myself down, it's taking every ounce of me to keep my composure.

"Look, Tally I'm sorry. I should've never dragged you into that. I didn't think she was gonna flip out that hard on me." He says trying to comfort me.

"No Koa! No more apologies I'm done with her and her shit and I'm surprised your not either. I'm tired of her bringing up our issues. If you don't break up with her then I'll do it for you cause this can't go on any further. At least not with me and Zero around. " I say shoving him.

He sits on the bed and thinks for a while and then leaves.

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings but this is just getting ridiculous. I would've broke up with her the moment she brung up anything that didn't retain to her.

I walk out and hear Dylan and Ko talking in their room, putting my ear up to the door I can hear only the slightest of murmurs. Then the door swings open and Dylan storms out and down the stairs.

Koa walks out leans on the door frame next to me.

"Well, I did it."

"What? Really? You broke up with her?" I say shaking his arm with excitement.

"Yep, sure did." He lets out a relieving sigh.

"Great... now what about us?"

"Unfortunately we're going to have to stay here till we can move our stuff into the house that'll take at least another week." He says scratching his head.

"Oh no, no! We can't. Do you know the hell we're going to have to indore?"

"Yea but I don't see any better option Taleaz." He says shrugging.

"We can sleep on the floor at the place."

"No, Taleaz. We'll only have to stay another week that's it. Then we can spend Christmas together and everything after that." He says walking over and laying on the bed.

"Oh and we can get a cat and name it Checho and then a million snakes" I say walking over and laying beside him.

We lay and talk about ideas, laughing and over all enjoying each other's company. See it's already one-hundred times better without Dylan's bullshit.

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