: One

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┊  ⇄  ◁ ◁  II  ▷ ▷  ↻  ┊

Just like every morning, the sun greeted people with its rays. It's always a normal day, nothing change and it proceeds monotonously. People chatter here and there, telling different kind of stories that happened in their lives. Then, there's the chirps of the birds and rustles of leaves that creates a harmony together.

It's too peaceful.

And just like any other students, she woke up in the sound of her alarm. She had no choice but to wake up from her slumber to study for her so-called future, learning different kind of things that she won't use and just waste her time to not do her passion just to learn those things. They said that your grades are important for your future, it decides for you, what a load of bullsh*t. 

She did her usual routine, clean herself, cooks some foods to eat and wear her uniform. She braided her hair and wore her glasses, double checking everything she needs, confirming nothing is missing and proceeds to go outside. 

Her parents are in overseas to work and left her behind, alone. At least, at those times when she's much younger, uncle Jo was there for her to be a guide in everything she needs. He treated her like her own daughter by giving a tons of affection but that's until he went busy. She learnt to be independent to do her things.

Near the post, a young man with short straight hair is busy reading a pocket book in his hands. His glasses glinted under the morning sun, with his stoic face, you might think that he's someone who murders people.

She went near him and tapped his shoulder for him to notice her. He looked up from his pocket book and stared at her.

"Let's go?" She asked, he nodded and walks beside her. 

Jay Jo is her childhood friend, he's a cheerful kid back then when his uncle was still alive. He taught them many things, especially in the decision that they might make for their future. Both of them loves biking because of him, and he's the only one who didn't pressure them in anything they like to do. 

As of now, Jay is a stubborn person but can't still fight back to his parents but not in a bad way because they're pressuring him too much in his studies, it's suffocating him. Then, there's her who still helps him to keep his sanity.

She's actually the one who's staying overseas, she's a Japanese but her parents are working in France. They dropped her off in Korea because they're acquaintances with Mahon Jo, even though he was busy in his passion in biking, he's there for her.

"Haru.." He mumbled, she looked at him and saw he's handing her a lollipop. He's still holding a pocket book and his gaze never left the book, he stretches his hand to her to hand the lollipop.

She smiled at his actions and accepted it, "Thank you, Jay." 

The two of them completely walk in silence with a little bit of sound from turning the pages in his book. He's really focused in reading the notes she wrote for him because Jay said that it's easy to understand her notes. Even though she hates studying, she's good at it because her parents might stop giving her money so she just can't blow it all. 

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