: Twenty-eight

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊


Once morning came, the pain coming from her back greets her as a nice morning.

Haru groggily lifted up her head and saw the blonde in front of her heavily sleeping. Snores can't even be heard; his lips are tight shut as he sleeps peacefully.

The blonde across from her finally fluttered his eyes open. He let out a yawn, stretching both of his arms up as high as he could. Tears swelled up from the edge of his eyes--just from yawning, he blinked a couple of times to wake up completely.

Both of their drowsy eyes suddenly met.

Seconds that turned into minutes, they didn't take off their gaze from one another.

Haru grumbled under her breathe as she rubbed both of her eyes due to the stinging sensation on it. Without blinking, it really hurts like it should be.

"Idiot.", She sighed seeing the blonde laughing while slapping the pillow beside him.

What's their situation right now?

Haru slowly stood up; she flinched, feeling the pain on her back. She gave a glare at the blonde, who quickly hid behind the pillow he's holding in both of his arms.

After taking photos of Minu and Mia, they quickly went away as her eyes landed on the three that consists of Jay, Dom and Vinny. They were secretly following the two.

To avoid their curious gaze, both of them quickly walked away. Haru is just dragging Owen behind her, who knows what might happen if he gets lost.

Especially, when his wallet and the key on his apartment is already gone. Who knows where it is?

A smile is still evident on his face, even knowing the situation. Haru couldn't help but facepalm, feeling the stress slowly crept up on her.

"You still have your phone, right?", She asked, hoping that the day will end well.

Owen rummaged in his pocket and pulled up his phone. He pressed the on button, but it wouldn't. It only showed his battery that was slowly dying.

He feigned a gasp and slowly turned to face Haru, who looks quite dejected.

"Should I go home?", Feeling a little guilty on the situation right now.

"Without your key? Yeah, sure.", Haru heaved out a sigh.

Without any other thoughts, both of them found themselves standing inside her apartment. She arranged the things she just bought leaving Owen standing on the living room.

He didn't know what to do. He might act cocky all the time but right now, he's a little bit embarrassed.

"What are you doing?", Haru asked, arriving at the living room.

She eyed the blonde who's looked lost on his own thoughts as he's standing up without moving.

Hearing her voice made him snapped out from his thoughts, "Maybe, I should just go home."

He rubbed the back of his neck, realizing that only the two of them are alone inside and it won't be good. She raised a brow at his sudden remarks, still waiting for him to continue on what he will do.

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